💯免费套餐 | 无 |
💲起步价 | $12.00 |
📄模板数量 | 180+ |
🔌应用/集成 | 无 |
🛒电商工具 | 有 |

範本選擇: 目前他們以SaaS為基礎的CMS只提供20多個範本,但每個範本的設計和排版都令人驚艷。每個範本和性能都像一件藝術作品,充分展示顏色、影像和圖案。這些靜態範本非常吸睛且美得令人著迷。
客製化: 其客製化的可能性無窮,超乎你的想像。 SquareSpace從頭到腳皆可客製化,並可輕易地進行重複修改。其部落格和相簿平台充滿了先進的工具,能讓你輕鬆創建無數的設計和圖像。
多媒體: 修改、強化和更換你的照片和圖像變得前所未有的簡單。從以網路為基礎的網站整合輸入,並寄發出版品給你社群媒體的所有聯絡人,以及可以輕鬆分享的按鈕可讓你和你的讀者更快速地傳播訊息!

- 徹底人性化的優質設計範本
- 具有進階照片編輯器的機動圖片管理員,以及各種顯示選項
- 其音頻收藏可供你將音樂與你的網頁做整合或在網路上銷售
- 數十個可加強你網站功能的相關第三方服務

其範本很容易設置,而且你可以快速地從一個範本切換到另一個範本,然後在決定前進行預覽。 SquareSpace使用下拉主選單來使所有的設計執行更為便利,從而也為操作添增一層樂趣。

- 电子邮件支持
- 视频教程
- 论坛
- 支持中心
- SEO帮助
- 博客
- 电话支持
- 研讨会
- 在线客服
SquareSpace區分為簡易網站和網路商店。即使是其最基本的軟體包也相對昂貴,再加上頁數有限,而且你只能擁有2個內容貢獻者。其網路商店選項的價格幾乎貴了一倍,但是增加了大量可大為提升電子商務性能的功能。 如果你打算創建一個完全自動化的電子商務平台,不妨試試SquareSpace。
SquareSpace 评测:总结
- 專業優質設計
- 易於使用
- 適合每一個人
- 多不勝數的小工具和應用程式
- 零廣告
- 完整的手機整合
- 14天免費試用
- 提供自訂網域名稱
- 範本不多
- 無內嵌購物車
- 沒有電子郵件寄存
I recommend this service to those who do not know how to create websites! Here everything is quite simply arranged and it will not be difficult for you to create a pleasant and functional website. For the money, everything is tolerable here, in general, I think it's worth the money.
Squarespace Commerce is a subpar selling platform, woefully short of basic features. No product review or ratings possible, limited payment options and no offline payments, frozen checkout process with no customization (even thank you page can't be customized), unhelpful customer service that either point you to already published material that you would already have seen or otherwise to the forum. Good looking design alone cannot make up for below average features. Give it a miss if you are serious about selling. I speak from a really frustrating experience building a store on Squarespace.
Without any doubt, I can say that creating a site here is very simple. I don't have much experience in this area, this is one of my first projects that achieved some success. With uncomplicated algorithms and simple movements, you get very concise and pleasant-looking web-sites. I will try to develop skills, however, on this site as such, the skill is not necessary: everything is clear on an intuitive level
I have no experience at all of the website building but successfully built two very pretty sites without too much difficulty and using all the features mentioned. However, do not be fooled by e-commerce offerings. There are so many annoying glitches that I feel that I am being forced to look elsewhere or to design another site. I'm a UK customer and despite paying a hefty price for a premium membership, there are no effective UK shipping options. If you are selling an item made up of multiples (cases of 6) you can only advertise one price which leads to confusion - especially as you can't advertise the single item price. There is a huge glitch in the Categories that haven't yet been fixed, making them unusable. You cannot add text to a product page. Other ways of displaying products are impractical and not suitable for many businesses (including mine). The site looks amazing but really doesn't meet the slightly nerdier requirements of a shop based site. There is quite a lot of difficulty in fully integrating various platforms such as mailchimp - and their own marketing section is very very basic. You can't, for example, ask for a customer's first and last names on the pop up subscribe function. It's great that it's there but serves no real purpose. Feels like they left lots of loose ends littered around the e-commerce part of it and launched before these were tied up. I am desperate for them to fix these issues (and several more) but response time is slow. Responses usually involve complex 'workarounds' and referrals back to videos I've already seen. Anyway, I say this in the spirit of really really wishing it would improve rather than just a general slating as for everything else it is way ahead of its competitors for sheer style and ease of use.
Bad Bad Bad No response website does't work even after you sign up and pay major rip off.Tried to get in contact no way to do it over and over again when we fist tried it worked then it never worked.We emailed we tried to ask for help no response . Bad bad bad left out to dry.
I quote from your review "Squarespace is the best most intuitive, cleanest website builder. I use it for every client" and yet within the site you built with it you recommend WIX as best website builder...???
Squarespace is the best most intuitive, cleanest website builder. I use it for every client.