Wholesale Internet 评测:总结
WholeSaleInternet 提供的服务器位于他们自己的数据中心,并致力于确保服务器的性能保持良好且一致。这些服务器由三重冗余电源系统提供支持,而网络也完全冗余。 他们的预配置服务器可以立即部署,您可以立即期望服务器处于完全正常工作状态。定价和支持
选择套餐时,您只需在其网站上列出的表格中查找所需的规格,然后选择最适合您的套餐。它们提供Intel和AMD CPU,从2GB到256GB的RAM 。此外,您可以选择SSD和SATA硬盘驱动器。以类似方式,您可以选择所需的每月传输和可用的Ipv4地址。这些包非常实惠且用户友好,让您有多种选择,可以轻松选择满足您确切要求的包。 您可以通过电子邮件或电话联系他们。您必须是他们的客户才能提交票证。请注意,其不提供电话技术支持,因此电子邮件和支持服务单是您的最佳选择。他们没有任何实时聊天,而目前几乎每个服务提供商都有这项服务。他们的Facebook和Google网页也不活跃。总的来说,他们的支持服务给人留下了不好的第一印象。摘要
WholeSaleInternet的专长在于提供各种套餐,客户可以选择满足其在线需求的确切规格。除此之外,这些套餐价格合理。 优点:- 各种套餐
- 规格适用于需求较小且需求较大的客户。
- 没有实时聊天
- 无电话技术支持
Forgot the manually pay the invoice thought they got may credit card. Over due 3 days and they recycled my server and I lost all my data. The will charge you extra $5 if the invoice is not paid by the due day. They never use your on file credit since they want to over charge you with overdue fee.
This is the worst datacenter you will go. Thought cheap but it is the worst. With 1 minute over due in payment, they will charge $5. My server was 3 days overdue unintentionally, then they confiscate my server and data and refuse to unplug it back even after I pay the extra charge.
What would you feel if you sign up for dedicated server and billing is failing again and again and every time it fails you are charged disconnection fee. Meaning Wholesaleinternet billing system from 90s is failing and each of that time you pay disconnection fee. Add to this long downtimes. One of them was over 2 days. And finish it with worst customer support where they close tickets without any reply. That's what you get when you buy cheap unmanaged server from WholeSaleInternet. Our server has just been cancelled.