
HostMySite 評價与测试 2025 – 真的可以相信它吗?


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  • 无限带宽
  • 免费域名
  • cPanel
  • MySQL数据库支持


  • 选择基于Linux或Windows的托管
  • 500个邮箱
  • 综合应用目录
  • 网络形象构建器

集成应用中心使您能够使用WordPress、Joomla!和其他安装脚本来简化网站创建过程。他们还支持各种电子商务工具,如oscommerce、opencart、Zen cart和PrestaShop

很少有网络主机提供 500个邮箱作为标准,使HostMySite非常适合那些需要为其网站提供可靠电子邮件选项的用户。此外,HostMySite允许您在Windows和基于Linux的托管之间进行选择。如果您不确定需要使用哪一个,可以随时联系客户支持寻求帮助。

由于他们没有网站建设器, HostMySite不适合绝对的初学者,但是那些了解如何安装网站脚本或擅长遵循在线教程的人则可以轻松使用。否则,大多数网站开发人员应该都认为HostMySite易于导航和使用。



Basic Pro
域名 1 10
存储 5GB 无限
数据库存储 10 无限
数据库存储 1GB 无限

其“无限”存储有一点但书。 HostMySite有一个无限制的资源政策,限制您可以托管的数据类型。例如,您不能将您的网站用于任何不属于您的操作的种类或合法视频共享站点。


  • 计划任务的运行频率超过5分钟
  • Cron指令
  • 大于2 GB的数据库

在了解这一点后,如果您需要大型数据库,例如产品或客户数据库,HostMySite便可能不适合您。此外,他们不提供免费的网络托管服务,但两个计划都提供 30天退款保证

HostMySite拥有坚实的 24小时客户支持,提供多种支持选项。它们提供了一个强大的、可搜索的知识库,可以回答大多数支持问题。如果您仍需要帮助,可以打开在线支持服务单,通过在线聊天联系客户支持,或使用免费电话支持号码拨打电话。当我联系他们时,代理人非常了解情况并能够快速回答问题。



HostMySite 网站托管




HostMySite 评测:总结


很少有公司拥有HostMySite的记录。 20多年来,凭借一系列完善的功能以及美国客户服务,他们成功托管了来自世界各地的网站。

  • 500邮箱
  • Linux或Windows托管
  • 无限带宽
  • 大型应用目录

  • 没有免费的网站建设者
  • 限制性的无限制资源政策
格温·罗杰斯 格温·罗杰斯
格温是一名网络开发人员和软件工程师,并乐于zuan yJavaScript(和一本好书)。 她会利用空闲时间指导女性如何成为一名程序员,以及在阳台的日照下从事瑜伽。
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No new servers since 2014

I recently logged into my wordpress account, and received a message that the version I was using was now officially unsupported. I was using 3.9.40 (I know, but if it ain't broke). I wanted to upgrade to the newest version, 6.1, but was unable to do so, since my server only had PHP 5.6, released in 2014. When I inquired about moving to a new server, they told me they didn't have any. I repeated myself because surely that can't be true. You're a webhost that doesn't upgrade your servers? They assured me they understood and indeed, they had no newer servers onto which I could move, but they had a partner company they could put me in touch with. No thank you. I'll find a new hew host then. In preparation for the move, I asked what my temp domain was, so I could access all my content while DNS was propagating to the new server. 8 hours after my email I received a response where they told me they did not provide one. I told them that is impossible, since the cheap linux hosting plans were name based, and only worked when a domain name was pointed at them and I got one when I signed up, but it had been 8 years and I no longer recalled it, and they used to provide a shared subdomain. I responded back immediately that that must not be correct, and then a full two weeks later they respond with "Apologies for the late response, but it's still no, we don't do that". At that point I had already canceled 10 days prior and it was a moot point. They used to have awesome chat and phone support that would always get you some type of response in under 4 hours by email, and you could reach a knowledge tech on the phone on the first ring. That is clearly no longer the case and I would avoid like the plague unless you need a legacy server. However, when I called to cancel, the cancellation team was very prompt and had that polish I remember the support team used to have, and that's a damn shame. I'm sure it's because they see the most action.

John Scott, 美国
2022 十二月 21
10 year patron of HMS and it’s been going downhill

Not worth your time at this point. Initially 10 years back and even further, you could ring them up and talk to a rep who knew their stuff. Now you can’t get ahold of anyone who’s competent or has a shred of empathy. It’s cause it’s all outsourced. Their control panel is riddled with broken features, the smarter mail platform they offer flags your own email as spam and the worst bit is that it flags your own email account so you end up getting no mail. It’s better cause their mail servers are hit constantly with spam, even from a fresh account, next day you will have 1k in spam alone. They recently billed an account I had for the same rate then quickly re billed at 3x the initial price saying “inflation” meanwhile everyone else offers lower prices and control panels and features that work. Avoid HMS at all costs.

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Bill, 美国
2022 十一月 30
Deceptive & Highly Unprofessional

Highly deceptive practices by Nick, the supervisor: - said transition was free and it would only take two days. - calls me back to say I would need to pay for it and it will take more than three days. Can't trust you guys. Will be writing a bad review given my horrible experience with you and Nick. Very very unprofessional and unreliable organization.

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anonymus, 美国
2021 三月 29
The single worst technology company I have dealt with in over 40 years in the technology industry.

I have been a customer of host my site for over 15 years. I chose them originally because of the top-shelf knowledge, expertise, and incredible level of customer support that they offered. Their technologist was incredibly helpful with tasks simple to complex. Then about a year ago evidently they were purchased by some foreign firm. This was the beginning of the most frustrating time I have ever had with a technology company in 40 years. The level of incompetence is incredible. They do not know even the most basic technical concepts that someone brand-new to computers would know. Simple technical problems sometimes take 3 to 4 weeks to fix when the turnaround time should be expectedly for less than an hour. Their staff is absolutely horrendous. They are rude, hang up on you, lack basic human interaction skills, and have absolutely no concept of how to deal with a customer. Their website is filled with products and services that they no longer offer. They are extremely unreliable when it comes to returning your call, your email, or following up on any ticket that you submit. They've even eliminated their ticket management system. This is the first review I have ever written about a vendor in 40 years. I have moved all of my business to Go Daddy and other hosting companies. And have recommended all of my clients move their business from this company forever. If anyone is thinking of even giving this company one US dollar they should think twice, three times, 10 times… Because it will lead to nothing but absolute frustration loss of money and if you're using them for your business the absolute destruction of your reputation because they are the worst technology hosting company. I have even tried to give them suggestions on how they could streamline, upgrade, and improve the most basic areas of customer support in an effort for me to try to stay with this company. But they are absolutely oblivious to the concept of wanting to make your business be likable by anyone. And finally, pretty much 90% of everything they tell you on the phone cannot reasonably be believed. I was told they had hundreds of support people handling their massive customer base, but yet in returning calls to this organization I always get the same two or three technicians in a collection of about 40 phone calls. And I am not dialing a specific extension, there are just literally for people that handle everything. Lastly, I want to say that if it sounds like this review is written two seconds after a really bad tech call with this company… It was not. I specifically decided to wait two weeks before putting my thoughts down on paper and submitting a review somewhere. This entire review is how I feel after a two week cooling period. If you're thinking of doing business with this company think about what kind of review I would've written if it was right after the last incredibly horrible service I got from them. I don't take lightly criticizing companies but this one is absolutely criminal in its blatant disregard for delivering any quality to paying customers. It's a shame because this literally was one of my best vendors for almost 2 decades. And I'm a technologist who deals with some of the biggest companies in the world and I'm a big supporter of small businesses but this is just a nightmare of a nightmare of a nightmare of a situation. So in conclusion it's just my personal opinion do not do business with this company you will regret it over and over again.

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anonymus, 美国
2020 十一月 17
Horrible Company

Used to be good years ago. I'm in the process of transferring all of my domains to another company. Good riddens! Called to cancel before the renewal date but they had already billed my credit card. They REFUSED to credit the account. They REFUSED to let me talk to a supervisor. Stay away from this place!

1 avatar
anonymus, 美国
2020 九月 18
It used to be good.

We use hosting for mainly email. Constant problems with iPhone. Customer service foreign based difficult to understand. Have maintained account because of the hassle of changing. We are sixteen-year customers and great when started but downhill from then.

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Carl Fosseen, 美国
2020 五月 29
Website Down for a Month Due to HostMySite’s Incompetence

My domain has been suspended and my website has been down for a month due to hostmysite.com's incompetency, and the company has not provided information on when the issue might be resolved - if ever. When our nonprofit group transferred domain owners it had to be reported to ICANN which oversees domains. I later discovered that HostMySite had misspelled my email address and sent it to ICANN, which sends an email to the new owner that requires verification within 15 days. Since I never received the email sent to the wrong address, HostMySite got our domain suspended in mid-July, and our website has been down since then. I’ve spent many hours, spoken to many support techs, and repeatedly submitted documents and identification to HostMySite. Despite that I was told that the issue is now tied up in the company's legal department with no end in sight. As a volunteer, I have managed websites and computer technical issues for nonprofits for many years and have never experienced the poor customer service, irresponsibility, cavalier attitude, and level of incompetence that HostMySite has demonstrated. I would never recommend this registrar to anyone.

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Karen Michael, 美国
2019 八月 15
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