尽管功能和灵活性有限,EmailMeForm提供了免费帐户。 然而,EmailMe Form的平台提供了一个可靠的表单构建器,以确实完成并确保您作业的效力。 升级到付费方案能让您真正开始整合聪明的功能和工具。其所提供的支持和可用性有待改进。 盖因如此,该表单生成器在我们推荐平台的倒数几名内。
- 在无限的网域上使用表单
- 自动应答
模板选择: 在其模板选择中有许多标题,例如可编辑的表单、调查、业务、注册和跟踪等。 其选择是业务导向的,并包含申请表格、评估、联系表格、捐赠和竞选表格等等。 表单适用于您想要使用的任何目的或业务。 其表单也适合移动设备,并可保存在您帐户的表单条目数据库中。
自定义: 所有模板和表单都可通过易用且人性化的拖放界面进行自定义,以便您构建复杂的多页面调查、审计、评论或联络人和订阅表单。
EmailMeForm提供免费帐户。 然而,它会持续不断地干扰您,并透过广告和弹出式视窗来诱骗您升级到付费方案。 这确实会影响其可用性,并限制您测试服务以决定是否要升级的自由。 此外,您每次离开工作区时都需要登录,而这往往会造成负面影响。
免费帐户支持有限;其支持包括电子邮件表格,但您可能需要一段时间才能得到答复。 其知识库分为几个类别,从常见问题解答到账单、创建、付款整合、一般问题、数据和报告等。付费帐户则可以使用「扩充支持」,但其没有就此提出进一步的资讯。
如果您想要升级到付费帐户并使用EmailMeForm着手展开工作,可获取几乎无限功能的超值方案从每月9.95美元起跳。与其他平台相比,其价格相当合宜。 但请记住其储存和文件上传功能有限。 如果这对您来说是必要的,我们建议您参考其他平台。
The forms are very easy to use and their support has been really helpful. This is perfect for those who are just starting their business like me. They already have templates but if you wanted to personalize your form they can also change it depending on how you like it.
Affiliate marketers (people who are paid to sign people up for services) are on the app stores. Some apps are just mills to gather your info from fake females (some are undoubtedly men) using stolen instagram photos. you suck! You and your lackeys create your own presence but do it unwittingly or not with cyber criminals. Dating apps, even iOS are just fronts for data mining and full of bots.
At first I loved this service. Now I'm so frustrated I want to leave it. They've ignored a technical glitch that has kept us from launching our form for more than two months. They've just been ignoring my requests to get it fixed. So frustrated. I can't recommend them unless you have a super simple form.