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Wholesale Internet Review 2025 – Is It Worth It?

Jabran Kundi Written by: Jabran Kundi

WholeSaleInternet is an American hosting service and is affordable. But most importantly, they can help you prepare a server that fulfills your exact needs.

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WholeSaleInternet was founded in 1999 in Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A. Since then, they have grown to become the premier dedicated server providers in the region. Their promise is to provide affordable and reliable services to their customers.

Features and Ease of Use

The servers offered by WholeSaleInternet are housed in their own data center. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to ensure the servers perform well and consistently. These servers are powered by triple redundant power systems while the network is fully redundant as well. Their preconfigured servers are ready for immediate deployment and you can expect your servers to be in full working condition in no time.


You can opt for all kinds of processors from Intel Atom to i7, and from AMD248 to AMD Opteron processor. Their infrastructure features both the SSD hard drives and SATA hard drives. Based on your needs, you can select the right one but there is no doubt that SSD hard drives perform much better than SATA, especially in applications where you need to access fast-changing data.

Pricing and Support

When selecting the packages, all you have to do is look for your desired specs in the table listed on their website and choose the package that best suits you. They offer both the Intel and AMD CPUs with anywhere from 2GB to 256 GB of RAM. Both the SSD and SATA hard drives can be opted for. In a similar way, you can choose the desired monthly transfer and usable Ipv4 Addresses. The packages are quite affordable but what makes them more user-friendly is that you have a wide variety to choose from and can easily pick a package that fulfills your exact requirements.

You can reach them by email or telephone. To submit a ticket, you need to be their customer. Just remember, they don’t offer technical support over the phone, so email and support ticket are your best choices. Surprisingly, they don’t have a live chat, which is something almost every service provider has nowadays. Even their Facebook and Google pages aren’t very active. All in all, their support service leaves a negative first impression.

How much does Wholesale Internet cost?

Wholesale Internet offers multiple plans priced highest to lowest. The price depends on which type of hosting plan you choose. You can see the updated pricing table (updated weekly) below.

Which Wholesale Internet plan should I get?

My recommendation is to start with a cheaper plan. You can always upgrade later on. Wholesale Internet can help you with the migration to a more expensive plan. The increase in visitors many times takes longer than expected and you shouldn’t pay a lot of money until the need arises. Of course, your needs may vary, and you can consult with a hosting expert from Wholesale.

How good is Wholesale Internet’s customer support?

Wholesale Internet is not ranked as one of our top web hosts. But that can also be a result of Wholesale Internet being a small, under the radar, hosting provider. There are advantages to a small hosting company – as a customer, you are more important to them. You can also check out our comparison of the most popular web hosting services here.


How does Wholesale Internet match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1Wholesale InternetCompareOur Score4.1Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare

Wholesale Internet REVIEW: BOTTOM LINE

WholeSaleInternet’s specialty lies in offering a variety of packages where customers can choose the exact specifications that serve their online needs. Add to that the fact that these packages come at affordable prices.

WholeSaleInternet might offer a good service at a reasonable price, but does it match up with the top web hosting companies? We find it hard to say “yes.”


  • Variety of packages
  • Specifications cover customers with smaller requirements as well as larger requirements.


  • No live chat
  • No technical support over the telephone
Jabran Kundi Jabran Kundi
Jabran Kundi is a blogger, a web developer, and a passionate writer. He loves to talk about the web.
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They disrespect your data

Forgot the manually pay the invoice thought they got may credit card. Over due 3 days and they recycled my server and I lost all my data. The will charge you extra $5 if the invoice is not paid by the due day. They never use your on file credit since they want to over charge you with overdue fee.

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Jack, USA
April 27, 2022
confiscate my server & data after 3 days overdue

This is the worst datacenter you will go. Thought cheap but it is the worst. With 1 minute over due in payment, they will charge $5. My server was 3 days overdue unintentionally, then they confiscate my server and data and refuse to unplug it back even after I pay the extra charge.

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Jack, USA
April 24, 2022
Worst customer support

What would you feel if you sign up for dedicated server and billing is failing again and again and every time it fails you are charged disconnection fee. Meaning Wholesaleinternet billing system from 90s is failing and each of that time you pay disconnection fee. Add to this long downtimes. One of them was over 2 days. And finish it with worst customer support where they close tickets without any reply. That's what you get when you buy cheap unmanaged server from WholeSaleInternet. Our server has just been cancelled.

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Alex Vinokurov, USA
October 15, 2019
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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