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Terrakom Review 2025 – Is It Underrated?

Mark Holden Written by: Mark Holden

Terrakom is a Croatian website hosting provider specializing in cloud services. They offer a good uptime guarantee and 24/7 customer service.

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1Croatian hosting provider Terrakom was founded in 2003 under a different name. In 2010 they rebranded to become Terrakom, and have since acquired several smaller I.T. companies. They’ve worked with more than 10,000 customers, they employ over fifty people, and they own their own data center in Zagreb. By default, the Terrakom website is in Croatian.

Features and Ease of Use

terracom (1)

Terrakom specializes in cloud hosting and cloud virtual private servers. To give you an idea, their cloud hosting plans enjoy the following core features:

  • 99.7% uptime service level agreement
  • Free domain registration
  • One, five or ten add-on domains
  • Croatian data center
  • From 1GB to 5GB disk space
  • Unlimited traffic

They own their data center in Zagreb, Croatia, and as such can commit to a 99.7% uptime SLA. They use robust Cisco and IBM hardware, and – due to their use of the cloud – they offer resources that scale as required.

Terrakom has four cloud web hosting packages called Hosting 1, Hosting 2, Hosting 5 and Hosting 10. They all come with unlimited traffic, email accounts and subdomains, as well as a free domain for one year. As the names might suggest, Hosting 1 comes with 1GB, Hosting 2 with 2GB, Hosting 5 with 5GB, and Hosting 10 with 10GB of storage. You can choose from Windows or Linux operating systems.

As well as their cloud web hosting, Terrakom also offers three VPS packages called Server 2, Server 4 and Server 6. These come with 1 CPU, 2 CPUs, and 4 CPUs, plus (as per their names) 2GB, 4GB, and 6GB of RAM respectively. All virtual private servers come with unlimited traffic and guaranteed exclusive resources.

VPS plans come with a control panel that provides reboot, reinstallation, statistics, load balancing, on-demand scalable resources, and two levels of firewalls. The good base packages are fully customizable via the website.

Pricing and Support

The prices are pretty good when compared to other companies providing a similar service, both locally or internationally. SSL certificates are not included, but domain registration is free for one year for the following extensions: .com.hr, .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .eu.

It’s a little frustrating that they don’t offer monthly pricing, and although they do provide one, two and three-year terms, there is no discount for purchasing a long term. However, they do offer a generous 30-day free trial, so you have an opportunity to try before you buy.

Terrakom provides 24-hour assistance, and you can reach out to them through email, telephone, and even fax (yes, really!). They maintain an active Facebook page, and although their website has a small FAQ section, it doesn’t address hosting-related questions. It would be great to see an expanded knowledge base and a live chat option on their website.


How does Terrakom match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1TerrakomCompareOur Score4.5Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


Terrakom offers a wide range of services as well as cloud hosting. They offer a good uptime, 24/7 support, and they serve more than 10,000 customers from their own data center.


  • Affordable cloud hosting plans
  • Free domain with plans
  • 30-day free trial
  • 24/7 customer service


  • Small FAQs section
  • No live chat on the website

High availability cloud hosting available now at Terrakom.
Mark Holden Mark Holden
Mark is a full stack web developer specializing in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. When he’s not busy building websites or geeking out over the latest addition to his ever-growing gadget collection, he enjoys playing drums for his progressive rock band. He can also make a mean Spanish omelet.
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Za nevjerne Tome–

Moja 5. godina sa Terracomom.... šteta što još nemaju optike za vanjski dio Sesveta..a da vidite što drugi obećaju a ne ispune....TV im je super...internet u skladu s mogućnostima postavljene infrastrukture u mjestu... ne reklamiraju se bjesomučno jer im korisnici bježe....za mene odnos cijene i kvaliteta usluge sve pet -i ne čekam tri sata na liniji jave mi se sami kasnije u kratkom roku ..

1 avatar
Marvel Mama
December 22, 2024
Užas od usluge

Dali kod njih ima tehničara ili dežurne službe ako postoji kvar preko vikenda a kamoli blagdana.Ali za poslati račun nema problema.

1 avatar
November 03, 2024
uzas stalno puca

internet stalmo puca, Korisnicka podrska bezobrazna i nekulturna 2 tjedna nikog nema da poprave, govorim da cu raskinit ugovor s njima oni meni da cu platiti penale 270e. hocu kako da ne

1 avatar
Josip, Croatia
July 20, 2024

Očito je do lokacije. Mogu reći da u španskom koristim optiku 50 uz digi tv s funkcijom premotavanja vec dvije godine i mogu reć da sam vrlo zadovoljan. Vrlo stabilna veza. Pukla je mozda 3 puta u 2 god! Usluge tehničara nisam trebao. Cijenu bi naveo kao najveću prednost.

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anonymus, Croatia
June 14, 2022
Sporo i stalno puca

Puca, loša usluga-> -1 ocjena Korisnička podrška zna manje od mene. Nikad nisu bili od ikakve koristi, uvijek kažu da je do Tcoma i da im oni "ometaju paricu"... A uz to nikad nam nisu poslali niti jednog tehničara zato jer ih niti nemaju valjda?¿ Da ne spominjemo činjenicu da nikad nismo dobili nikakve odgovore, a nećemo ih ni dobiti..

1 avatar
Lorena, Croatia
March 15, 2022

Brzina interneta uglavnom znatno niža od zajamčene, puno grešaka u poslovanju koje rješavaju tako da brišu komentare i kritike, ne možeš doći do odgovornih, ne umanjuju račun zbog svoje greške, nekorektan odnos prema korisniku. Često uopće nema interneta. Korisnička podrška 0-24 funkcionira na način da možete nazvati bilo kada od 0-24, a oni vam vrate poziv nakon vikenda i tvrde da je sve bilo OK.

1 avatar
anonymus, Croatia
February 08, 2022
Najbolja mreža brzi na riješavanju zahtjevnih korisnika!

Što reći, nego odlični brz internet, odlični programi cijena... još brži djelatnici da pomognu riješiti ako ima kakvih problema. Nastavite tako sve preporuke od srca. Obitelj Hren Posebna pohvala za gospodinu Dariu Tukari i tehničare! 👍😊

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anonymus, Croatia
February 02, 2022

Jedva cekam da zavrsi ugovor i da odem od njih. Podrska ne radi 24/7 a pad interneta je uviek vikendom. Naravno da se jave u ponedjeljak i nemaju poima sto je bilo,sve radi. Evo i sad,nedjelja,interneta nema vec sat i pol i nitko da se javi. Strasno od podrske.

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Suzana, Croatia
November 14, 2021
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