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Studio4web Review 2025 – Is It Worth It?

Gwen Rodgers Written by: Gwen Rodgers

Studio4web is a fast-growing Croatian hosting provider that claims to offer cheap hosting solutions backed by exceptional support. I agree with the first claim, but I’m not so sure about the second one.

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Since its inception in 2006, Studio4web has provided a diverse range of solutions to meet the varied needs of its clients. According to its Croatian-language website, this hosting company operates more than 10,000 websites for individuals and businesses.

Features and Ease of Use

Studio4web offers eight shared hosting packages (seven preconfigured and one configurable), five VPS packages, four dedicated servers, four reseller hosting packages, and nine cloud box hosting packages.

The configurable shared hosting packages provide you with:

  • 200 MB to 2 GB storage space
  • 50 GB to 1 TB traffic
  • 5 to unlimited email addresses
  • 2 to unlimited FTP accounts
  • 2 to unlimited MySQL databases with phpMyAdmin
  • Multiple PHP versions, and Zend Optimizer
  • SSL certificate
  • Cron jobs
  • AWStats
  • Antivirus, anti-spam
  • Backups

The Softaculous one-click installer lets you install a wide number of applications, including WordPress (for blogging), OpenCart (for e-commerce), and phpBB (for bulletin boards and web forums). Therefore, you don’t need to be too tech-savvy to set up a website. At the other end of the expertise spectrum, the ionCube loader protects your PHP code from being copied or modified.

Other security features include the SpamExperts email filtering solution that stops unwanted email from reaching inboxes.

Some packages use ECC RAM that provides excellent protection against data corruption by detecting and rectifying memory errors automatically. Although this company’s home page alludes to a 99.9% uptime guarantee, its VPS and dedicated server product pages suggest a lower 99% uptime.

Pricing and Support

Studio4web’s shared hosting packages are unbelievably cheap, and you can pay for them in euros or Croatian kuna via various methods. At the time of writing this review, you could get a 20% discount on shared hosting and a 30% discount on reseller hosting.

Billing cycles range from monthly to annual, with discounts for the longer billing cycles. Since not all billing cycles are available for all packages, you’ll need to check the situation for the plan you pick.

Our shared and reseller hosting services offer you a highly generous 90-day money-back guarantee, which is three times longer than the usual refund window. Additionally, we provide a 7-day and/or 14-day refund window for different types of domains, which is quite uncommon in the industry.

Although you can supposedly contact Studio4web’s customer support team via support ticket and live chat, I’m sorry to say that my test support ticket went unanswered. If you have to resort to self-support, you’ll find a surprisingly well-stocked knowledge base:

Studio4web knowledgebase

A free domain name is included with some hosting plans from Studio4web


How does Studio4web match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1Studio4webCompareOur Score4.2Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


For Croatian hosting at unbelievably low prices, you should check out Studio4web.


  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Refunds for domains
  • Unbelievably low prices
  • Surprisingly well-stocked knowledge base


  • Only two customer support options
  • Only 99% to 99.9% uptime guarantee

See Studio4web for unbelievably cheap web hosting.
Gwen Rodgers Gwen Rodgers
Gwen is a web developer and software engineer who loves to get lost in JavaScript (and a good book). She spends her free time teaching girls how to be coders, and doing yoga on her balcony in the sunshine.
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Studio4web nije vise sto je nekad bio

Korisnik sam studio4web usluga vec preko 8 godina. U pocetku su mi se cinili dobra platforma jer sam presao sa GoDaddy-a kod njih. Medjutim zadnjih par godina sam stekao dojam da su im serveri sporiji i odnosi velicine paketa hostinga skuplji u odnosu na konkurenciju. Dok nisam jednu domenu prebacio na konkurentni hosting i vidio razliku u brzini nisam mogao vjerovati, a razliku za 5 puta veci prostor i ocito vecu brzinu sam platio samo 3-4 eura vise. Takodjer velika zamjerka ide njihovoj podrsci jer zadnjih godina sam previse puta dobio kao odgovor “ne moze”. Nazalost , nemaju vise moju preporuku.

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March 16, 2024
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