Renter is a Russian dedicated server provider that has strived to maintain the lowest possible rental prices since 2003. Whether you want budget dedicated servers, fast SSD storage, large storage, or powerful processors, you can get it all here.
Renter has a Russian-language website and a Tier III data center in Moscow the operates on the N+1 redundancy principle
Features and Ease of Use
Renter offers 21 dedicated server solutions, but not all of them can be bought via the shopping cart. These dedicated servers are supplied with:
- Linux or Windows OS
- Intel Core i7-3770 to 2 x Xeon Gold 6136 CPU
- 2 x 3 TB SATA3 to 2 x 480 GB SSD disk space
- 8 GB to 128 GB RAM
Servers mostly use powerful Intel Xeon processors, which ensure superior performance when coupled with SSD storage that is up to 80 times faster than the SATA storage alternative. Most servers allow full IPMI access to monitor your server health, and you can access your server via RDP or SSH (dpending on your choice of Windows or Linux operating system).
You get an additional 100 GB disk space for backups, which you can access via FTP, and you can increase this to 4 TB for a fee.
Expect 99.98% uptime.
Pricing and Support
Renter’s affordable dedicated servers offer various payment options, allowing individuals to subscribe using euros, Russian rubles, or U.S. dollars through a variety of convenient methods. For legal entities, payment is required exclusively through bank transfer.
You can rent servers on a monthly to annual basis. There is no money-back guarantee (which is usual for dedicated servers), but you do get a short three-day test period.
Contact this company’s 24/7 support team via support ticket, email, online chat, or by requesting a callback. After registering with Renter, I received a response to my test support ticket within an hour:
Self-support resources include a frequently asked questions section, an articles section, and a set of YouTube videos.