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PlusServer Review 2025 – Does It Live Up to Its Reputation?

Solomon Ndung'u Written by: Solomon Ndung'u

For two decades, PlusServer has been the go-to cloud hosting provider for large enterprises in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and beyond. This company is committed to the provision of high-quality hosting services for all of their corporate clients.

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PlusServer is a cloud hosting vendor headquartered in Germany. They operate out of ten data centers worldwide, seven of which are located in Germany. Their customer base of over 4,000 corporate clients is distributed across 52 countries including the United States, Poland, Bosnia, and Austria. Despite their relatively small customer base, they host about 2,000,000 websites, which is a testament to their quality of service. Founded in 1999, they attained their ISO-27001 certification in September 2009. Their website is currently only available in German.


Features and Ease of Use

PlusServer delivers high-quality cloud hosting to their customers by availing to these corporate clients several hosting plans packed with great features and capable of managing even the most sophisticated corporate websites. They specialize in providing solutions to medium and large business enterprises, and have achieved noteworthy success within this space.

Some of the features included in PlusServer’s hosting plans include:

  • Infrastructure, operations, and service management
  • Certified data security and DDoS protection
  • Access protection and gas extinguishing system
  • Additional options for firewalls, backups, and so on
  • Redundant air conditioning and uninterruptible power supply
  • Redundant, broadband internet connection
  • 250Gbps network uplink speeds
  • 99.99% guaranteed availability (SLA)

Name any type of infrastructure and chances are that PlusServer can customize a package for you. From on-premise infrastructure to data centers and Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS, the company offers hybrid hosting solutions that provide business enterprises the right environment for every workload. This in turn makes it possible for enterprises to achieve the highest performance in the most cost-effective way possible.

PlusServer’s hosting solutions are designed to offer great services to any medium or large business enterprise on practically any budget. Today, the vendor has a broad array of cloud solutions for their European customer base and has the expertise and experience necessary to meet the regulatory and compliance needs of almost any business.

What’s more, this vendor includes other security, performance, and stability measures like load balancers, a global CDN, firewalls, DDoS mitigation, and so on. For businesses that need it, PlusServer also provides a private connection to their dedicated infrastructure.

Pricing and Support

All hosting options under this vendor are extremely flexible and scalable. That said, PlusServer doesn’t include on their website the cost of each of the hosting plans available; all the calls to action are generic with no purchase buttons. To some extent, the website looks like an informational website with no intention of selling any of their hosting solutions; it’s clear that you’ll have to contact them directly to get a quotation for your customized hosting solution. In addition, PlusServer prefers handling big enterprises, so any small enterprise that contacts them is handed over to Nimblu, their smaller hosting services subsidiary.

This vendor assures all their customers of direct and personal interactions with their support team, including office walk-ins in their various branches across major cities in Germany. Business executives can contact this vendor via email, a ticketing system, phone, and social media. Their website does not offer live chat support. However, their support team is available to provide guidance on both software and hardware. They continuously monitor their hosting infrastructure 24/7. The support representative I interacted with was polite and knowledgeable, successfully addressing all the questions I had.


How does PlusServer match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1CompareOur Score4.5Compare
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PlusServer provides cloud hosting solutions to large enterprises in Germany and over 50 other countries across the globe. The vendor has an incredibly powerful hosting infrastructure including ten state-of-the-art data centers, making it possible to deliver high performance corporate websites for all their customers.

PlusServer might offer a good service at a reasonable price, but does it match up with the top web hosting companies? We find it hard to say “yes.”


  • Redundancy protocols backed by powerful server architecture
  • Hybrid hosting for cost-efficient and high-performance websites
  • Round-the-clock monitoring of PlusServer hosting infrastructure
  • Polite, helpful, and professional support team


  • Does not have hosting solutions for small businesses
  • No prices displayed on website
Solomon Ndung'u Solomon Ndung'u
Solomon Ndung’u is a writer, author, and SEO specialist. When he’s not working, you will find him singing his favorite tunes. He is also a confessed avid reader of The New York Times.
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Unterirdisch für onpremise hosting

Für einen unserer Kunden soll eine Umgebung umgezogen werden (wir sind noch dabei). Der Hoster soll eigentlich den Betrieb des Systems übernehmen. Was funktioniert nicht: - Es gibt viele Ansprechpartner von PlusServer, aber die linke Hand weiß nicht was die rechte Hand macht - Die interne Admin-Oberfläche zum Verwalten der Server mit Ticket-System ist schlicht unmöglich - Man muss alles nachkontrollieren, da es oftmals nicht funktioniert. Bspw. möchten wir einen EMail-Service nutzen. Den wollte sie zunächst als Dienstleistung gar nicht anbieten. Jetzt ist er angeblich da und eingerichtet, aber ich kann über telnet nicht mal eine Verbindung aufmachen. D.h. wieder ein Suport-Ticket erstellen

1 avatar
Max Müller, USA
January 18, 2022
PlusServer? Eher MinusServer

Leider kann man keine Minussterne vergeben, denn nur mit vollen 5 Minussternen würde man diesem Hoster gerecht werden. Technik, technischer und kaufmännischer Support da passt alles perfekt zu einander, ist nämlich auf allen Ebenen grausam und man wartet als Kunde, nur auf das Ende der Vertragslaufzeit.

1 avatar
anonymus, Germany
March 25, 2021
Nicht zu empfehlen

Plusserver hat unseren Shop 3 durch falsche Hardware Programmierung lahmgelegt. Machen auf Profis sind aber keine. Wir mussten nach 3 Wochen auf MaxCluster umstellen und seitdem funktioniert alles. Plusserver hat nicht mal gemerkt dass der Shop woanders gehostet ist und verlangen weiterhin 1800 Euro im Monat.

1 avatar
Bogdan Tamasan, Germany
February 04, 2021
Unterirdischer Support

Eigentlich kann man das was PlusServer macht nicht Betrieb nennen. Sie reagieren teilweise erst nach einer Woche und beim 24/7 Support schicken sie eine automatisch generierte Mail und fragen am nächsten Tag um 10 Uhr nach. Für die Tonne.

1 avatar
anonymus, Germany
December 03, 2020
Extrem schlechter Kundensupport + Backoffice – nicht empfehlungswert

Wenn alles funktioniert ok - anderenfalls nur Probleme: Unterirdischer Kundensupport, Rechnungswahnsinn führt zu intransparenter Dienstleistung, Fehler innder Technik wird zu 100% auf Kunden abgerechnet! Technisch gesehen kann man nichts sagen aber das Gesamtpaket leidet extrem seit der Zusammenführung mit Nimblu.

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Ben, Germany
July 08, 2020
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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