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NS1.bg Review 2025 – Does It Live Up to the Hype?

Mark Holden Written by: Mark Holden

NS1 is a Bulgarian web services provider that offers numerous services to its customers including different types of web hosting, email hosting, and a website builder. It has fast hosting servers, a good backup system, and spam protection, making it suitable for both smaller websites as well as larger corporate ones.

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To compare the best web hosts, we hosted the same WordPress website on each one and tested performance, customer service, and value for money. Check out the results here.

When it comes to web hosting, certain factors differentiate the newbies from the experienced companies. NS1 is a not a newbie. This pioneering Bulgarian hosting company was founded more than 15 years ago and has since advanced to become one of the leaders in the country’s cloud computing industry.

Although located in Bulgaria, Ns1 also serves other parts of Europe, the Middle East, and Turkey. The NS1 website can be switched between the Bulgarian and English languages.

Features and Ease of Use

NS1 uses premium hardware in a Tier 3+ data center  to deliver a wide range of services including shared hosting, reseller hosting, SSD cloud hosting, domain name registration, virtual private servers, and dedicated servers. Its shared hosting plans typically provide unlimited traffic, unlimited hosting space, and unlimited email accounts plus:

  • Free website transfer
  • Free SEO tools
  • Free website builder
  • Free Cloudflare CDN
  • Free backups
  • PHP versions 5.4 to 7.2
  • Perl and Ruby
  • MySQL databases

NS1’s solutions are powered by the popular cPanel control panel with the Softaculous one-click installer for WordPress and 350+ other applications.

Even NS1’s cheap web hosting plans come with a backup solution that stores your data on a remote server, and you always have seven backup copies of your data at your disposal.

Besides the shared hosting plans, you can instead opt for managed and unmanaged SSD cloud servers. Whatever hosting solution you choose, you benefit from a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Pricing and Support

NS1’s shared hosting plans come in four flavors – Euro, Standard, Business, and Plus – with all but the lowest plan providing unlimited web space and unlimited bandwidth.

All plans except the lowest also offer price discounts of between 5% and 20% if you commit to at least six months’ worth of hosting (and up to 36 months). You needn’t worry too much about signing up for a long term because you get a 30-day money-back guarantee that should get you out if it all goes wrong within the first month.

With every NS1 hosting plan, you receive free 24/7 live chat support. Since I couldn’t access the company’s FAQ page, I reached out via live chat to inquire about additional support resources. I’m happy to report that an English-speaking agent promptly answered my question, although they informed me that their more extensive knowledge base is available only in Bulgarian.


You can also summon support by submitting a ticket, and otherwise contact the company by telephone or email.

How much does NS1.bg cost?

NS1.bg offers plans from $2 to $1441. The price depends on which type of hosting plan you choose. You can see the updated pricing table (updated weekly) below.

Which NS1.bg plan should I get?

My recommendation is to start with a cheaper plan. You can always upgrade later on. NS1.bg can help you with the migration to a more expensive plan. The increase in visitors many times takes longer than expected and you shouldn’t pay a lot of money until the need arises. Of course, your needs may vary, and you can consult with a hosting expert from NS1.bg.

How good is NS1.bg’s customer support?

NS1.bg is not ranked as one of our top web hosts. But that can also be a result of NS1.bg being a small, under the radar, hosting provider. There are advantages to a small hosting company – as a customer, you are more important to them. You can also check out our comparison of the most popular web hosting services here.


How does NS1.bg match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1NS1.bgCompareOur Score4.5Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


NS1 is an above-average web hosting company. Its basic ‘Euro’ shared hosting plan is only suitable for personal websites, but every other plan offers many unlimited resources.

Still not sure if this is the right web host for you? Check out our top recommended web hosts to learn more.


  • Unlimited resources on most plans
  • 24/7 live chat support
  • Free tools for beginners
  • Price discounts for longer terms


  • FAQ page returns an error
  • Knowledgebase only in Bulgarian
Mark Holden Mark Holden
Mark is a full stack web developer specializing in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. When he’s not busy building websites or geeking out over the latest addition to his ever-growing gadget collection, he enjoys playing drums for his progressive rock band. He can also make a mean Spanish omelet.
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Услуга с ниско качество на висока цена

В случай, че имате висок трафик или пък сте с риселър хостинг и поддържате няколко сайта, постоянно ще ви се напомня, че имате проблемни сайтове (за NS1.BG "проблемен" сайт е този с "прекалено много посещения") и трябва да си закупите облачен сървър, който не е евтина услуга и в други световноизвестни компании като Hostinger се предлага на много добра цена. Често ми се е случвало да поискам помощ в конкретна ситуация от съпорта им и да не получа адекватна помощ, а сам да си търся решенията на проблемите (и да си ги намирам). Често сървърът ми (който уж трябваше да е индивидуален само за моя риселър акаунт) падаше поради претоварване - оказа се, че сървърът е споделен с много други акаунти и всъщност не е самостоятелен, а СПОДЕЛЕН. Тоест, не само че споделям ресурсите на риселър акаунта измежду сайтовете, които поддържам като разработчик, но и между други риселър акаунти. Е, нищо чудно, че "ресурсите се изчерпват" така бързо. Сигурно съхраняват поне 100+ сайта на един сървър, което е много неадекватно. Освен, че сайтът ви ще пада редовно и ще губите SEO позиции, то сайтът ви и честичко ще губи по някой и друг файл и няма да имате добре направени бекъпи. Принципно са длъжни да правят бекъп всеки ден на базата и на сайтовете, но на няколко пъти ми се е налагало да връщам бекъп и липсват файлове или базата не е ок. Хостингът при НС1 е проблемен, но за много малки сайтове и магазини може да свърши работа до момента, в който не започнат да ви мрънкат, че заемате прекалено много ресурси. Затова директно ви съветвам да не си губите парите, времето и нервите с тази фирма, а да си поръчате хостинг от Hostinger или друга компания (аз ползвам Hostinger и съм много доволен - споделеният им евтин хостинг ми дава повече отколкото риселър акаунта на НС1, смятайте за каква разлика в услугата говорим).

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Николай, Bulgaria
September 21, 2023
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