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Mydataknox Review 2025 – What You Need to Know

Mark Holden Written by: Mark Holden

Mydataknox is a privately-held hosting company that provides shared hosting, dedicated servers, VPS, domain registration, and cloud-based solutions. With a robust team of professionals in different fields, the company aims to be a market leader in the Croatian hosting space.

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Mydataknox hosting features
Mydataknox offers a suite of hosting solutions that includes shared Linux packages, dedicated servers, and VPS besides domain registration and SSL certificates.  They operate a Tier III data center with redundant network and top-of-the-line hardware near Zagreb, and a multilingual website which is in German, English, and Croatian.

Features and Ease of Use

Their shared hosting packages are powered by cPanel, which comes with lots of features and tools that simplify the process of building and managing websites. Here are some of them.

  • Unlimited number of domains
  • Unlimited internet traffic
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Host unlimited websites
  • One-click app installer
  • MySQL databases
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • Daily and weekly backup
  • 24/7/365 customer support

Moving to a new hosting service is a nightmare for non-techies. There’s no need to fret here because Mydataknox provides a free website transfer from any hosting provider to their privately-owned servers. It’s a fast and hassle-free service that’s meant to help new customers get their websites up and running. If you feel this service might help you, contact their technical support team and request same-day website transfer.

Every web hosting account comes with the user-friendly cPanel control panel which gives you complete control over your hosting account. It’s packed with features and tools that make administration easy. You’ll be able to assign administrative rights, monitor resource usage, carry out daily or weekly backups, set up web-mails with forwarders and spam filters, and import files via FTP or web-based file managers among other things.

Under cPanel, you’ll also find the Softaculous app installer that can help you deploy over 400 scripts quickly and effortlessly via a step-by-step wizard. Within minutes, you can create a dynamic website with a MySQL database using any of the Open Source CMS apps like WordPress, Type 5, and Drupal and then secure it with a Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate. Because there’s no cap, you have the freedom to host multiple websites within your hosting account.

Pricing and Support

I wouldn’t be lying if I told you that you can get reliable Mydataknox hosting for your website for less than a buck. Even at the starter level, their features are just as good as any of the renown hosting names in the market. Regardless of which hosting package you choose – monthly plan or annual hosting plan – you’ll get good value for your money. The icing on the cake is that all of their hosting plans come with unlimited monthly bandwidth and the privilege to host unlimited websites.

It’s great to know that they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for each plan. This means that if you’re not satisfied, you can easily cancel and receive a full refund without any hassle. If you decide to stay, you can choose from their monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual plans. They also provide convenient payment options, including PayPal, EFT, and all major cards.

I haven’t interacted with the Mydataknox’s customer support team, but from the feedback I have seen online, most of their customers are happy with the level of support they receive. Going by their word, I believe their support staff should be able to assist you with a myriad of hosting issues including server setup, troubleshooting, website migration, and DNS configuration among others. In case you need their assistance or guidance, call their 24/7 telephone number of write them an email.


How does Mydataknox match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1MydataknoxCompareOur Score4.3Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


With a range of affordable hosting solutions, Mydataknox is a good choice for customers who are looking for safe and reliable hosting packages within the EU.


  • User-friendly hosting panel
  • Superior flash storage
  • Reliable support round the clock
  • Free website transfers


  • Croatian-based servers only
  • No telephone support for customers outside the EU
Mark Holden Mark Holden
Mark is a full stack web developer specializing in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. When he’s not busy building websites or geeking out over the latest addition to his ever-growing gadget collection, he enjoys playing drums for his progressive rock band. He can also make a mean Spanish omelet.
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Uzasan security

Spam filteri su im ocajni. Lako moguce da su imali data leak svih mailova.Konstantno vodimo borbe s njihovim supportom. Iako brzo odgovore, uvijek su to odgovori tek toliko da se rijese upita nakon cega se ticketi brzo zatvaraju. Ironicno, hrpa pouzdanih mailova nam uopce ne dolazi jer ih iz nekog razloga postave na blacklist. Bolje platite malo vise za neku malo bolju uslugu.

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Jerry Cart, USA
November 18, 2021
Užasno neodgovorna podrška, bahatost i neprofesionalnost

Dakle cijene su im ok, podrška je čak u redu, ali imaju elementarni problem s ekipom iz administracije. Nemaju riješen baš sustav za resellere u pozadini, sve im je jako sprčkano i sustav ne razlikuje uopće "vlasnika accounta" od "upravitelja accountom", billing sustav im je koma, rekao bi čak i protuzakonit jer ne provjeravaju uopće tko im je uslugu zapravo platio, no to je tema malo za poreznu da pročešlja, a dodatno tome kad se ekipa iz administracije "razljuti" jer ih upućujete na greške, onda vam bez upozorenja ugase uslugu koju ste uredno platili. Za jedan hosting kojem je povjerenje u upravljanju vašim osjetljivim podacima dragocjen, mislim da ne bi baš preporučio ikome...

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Alan Slapar, Croatia
February 24, 2021
Zasad odličan hosting

Prešao sam njima zbog problema s prijašnjim provajderom i tromošću. Dečki u podršci prebacili su mi sav sadržaj preko noći tako da nisam ni osjetio prijelaz, a već mjesecima sve radi kako treba. Nadam se da će tako i ostati. Moja iskrena preporuka.

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Ivica Benceković, Croatia
May 11, 2020
Katastrofalan HOSTING, podrška ljubazna i spremna pomoći!

Prebacio sam nedavno kompletno poslovanje na MyDataKnox, ne preporučam njihove servere zato što se stranice malo malo sporo učitavaju. Non-stop javlja neke greške i sa podrškom se dopisujete gotovo na dnevnoj bazi, oni su ljubazni ali stvarno i više nego što treba, brzo riješe problem ali jednostavno kad nemate neku sigurnost to nije usluga za koju trebate platiti bilo šta!

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Renato Ostojić, Croatia
March 26, 2020
Datacentar na Hrvatski nacin…

Prebacio sam kompletno poslovanje na VPS-ove (njih 4) u ovu tvrtku i duboko sam razočaran uslugom. Višestruki prekidi, a danas 03.11.2019 im je opet "sustav pao" i serveri ne rade vec vise od sat vremena! Teer sta??? I dok radi poruke tipa can alocate memory skacu na dnevnoj bazi.. Ljudi bjezite od ovoga, ovo vam je datacentar na hrvatski način...

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Ivan Rukavina, Croatia
November 03, 2019

Nikada nisam imao problema, nikada nije bilo slučajeva prekida veza. Vrlo profesionalni i kvalitetni. Moja ocjena 5+ (pet plus).

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anonymus , Croatia
March 19, 2020
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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