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DotRoll Review 2025 – Can You Really Trust It?

Mark Holden Written by: Mark Holden

DotRoll is a leading web hosting service in Hungary that is also ICANN-accredited. With nearly a decade of hosting experience, their servers power over 120,000 domains and several personal and business websites.

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DotRoll is a Hungarian hosting company that was founded in 2011. They manage thousands of domains and host several websites in their Plesk-powered shared hosting accounts.

Features and Ease of Use

DotRoll (1)

When you sign up with DotRoll, you will get full access to the follow features and more:

  • cPanel and Plesk control panels
  • Domain name registration
  • Web-based email accounts
  • Online file manager
  • 10GB Bandwidth
  • MariaDB databases
  • Let’s Encrypt DV SSL
  • SSH and FTP access
  • Softaculous app installer
  • IPv6 address
  • PHP, Perl, CGI, Git, and Ruby supported

DotRoll uses enterprise-grade HP and SuperMicro servers which are connected to superfast SSD storage drives and redundant networks with fantastic domestic and international bandwidth. With these, they’re able to provide a 99% uptime guarantee to customers who are looking for unmatched performance and speed for their websites and apps.

When it comes to hosting administration, they offer the choice of cPanel or Plesk. Both are user-friendly and expandable control panels with 100+ extensions between them. You can build your website, run updates, and monitor performance 24/7. Softaculous app installer with step-by-step wizard is included in the package. With a few clicks, you can build a complete website, web store, or forum using any of the 50+ Open Source CMS scripts, secure it with their free Let’s Encrypt SSL, and integrate Cloudflare CDN to ramp up its performance. If you’re a developer, you’ll be happy to know that all of the popular scripting languages such as PHP 4+, Ruby, Git, Perl, and Node.js are supported.

What I like about DotRoll is that they’re proactive when it comes to security and data backups. They not only provide intrusion detection but web app security via ModSecurity as well as virus and antispyware protection. Storage disks are isolated which ensures any security incident doesn’t affect or pose a risk to other drives while suspicious IPs are automatically blocked. With DotRoll, you have little to worry about data as they carry out automatic weekly backups of all user files and databases.

Pricing and Support

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Though they don’t have a money-back guarantee policy, DotRoll doesn’t look like a company that would shortchange its customers, considering it powers some of the domains and websites of big European brands in Hungary. Their plans are fairly priced, loaded with features, and easy to upgrade. When you place an order for a hosting package, you have the option to pay in USD, HUF, or Euro.

The customer support team at [Vendor] speaks Hungarian, and their live chat representatives are available from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays. If you require help with any hosting issues, you can reach out to them through their telephone support number, send an email, or use the contact form on their website to send them a message.


How does DotRoll match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1DotRollCompareOur Score4.2Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


Still not sure if this is the right web host for you? Check out our top recommended web hosts to learn more.


  • SSD-powered hosting packages
  • E-commerce compatible
  • Proactive and robust hosting security
  • User-friendly hosting admin panels


  • No Linux hosting packages
  • Website and support in Hungarian only
Mark Holden Mark Holden
Mark is a full stack web developer specializing in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. When he’s not busy building websites or geeking out over the latest addition to his ever-growing gadget collection, he enjoys playing drums for his progressive rock band. He can also make a mean Spanish omelet.
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Kimagaslóan jó szolgáltatás, precíz segítésnyújtás, törődés az ügyféllel

Pénteken este hívtam az ügyfélszolglatot, ahol egy felettébb kompetens hölgy közel 40 percen át segítet műszaki problémáim megoldásában, ezidő alatt 6 email-el és honlappal kapcsolatos műszaki segítséget nyújtott maximális hozzáértéssel, plusz kiberbiztonsággal és más fontos dolgokkal kapcsolatosan is nagyon sok útbaigazítást kaptam. A cég szolgáltatásainak árai nagyon jók, még többet is fizetnék, bevallom őszintén. Remélem még sok éven át náluk lehetek.

1 avatar
Winkler, Hungary
October 07, 2022

A DotRoll volt egykor az extra.hu ingyenes tárhelyszolgáltató. Már akkoriban jobb minőséget hozott, mint több fizetős tárhelyszolgáltató. A cég szolgáltatásai azóta fizetősek, de reális árakért még jobb minőség. A weblapjaim hosszú évek óta náluk vannak és mindig bejönnek, ráadásul gyorsan. Anyagilag se volt problémám velük soha. Szükség esetén meg az ügyfélszolgálat igen segítőkész.

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anonymus, Hungary
August 24, 2020

Leszámítva az ITSZ bürokratikus hozzáállását egy egyszerű domain tulajdonosváltáshoz, a dotroll megtett mindent hogy ez gördülékenyen menjen. Az egyik ügyelem teljes levelezését be lehetett importálni a régi szerverről az újra. A Wordpress websiteokat a duplicatorral 5 perc volt áthozni. Az SSL tanúsítványok is pofonegyszerűen felrakhatók. A z admin felület eddig a legjobb amit láttam. Domaineket korábban is itt regisztráltam, jó a domain keresőjük, lehet Paypallal fizetni, kb 2 perc megvenni egy új domaint (leszámítva az ISZT hülyeségeit). Hibátlan support, gyorsak, jók a szerverek.

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Takács Zsolt, Hungary
December 10, 2019
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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