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Domena.pl Review 2025 – Does Bigger Mean Better?

Mark Holden Written by: Mark Holden

Domena.pl is a budget-friendly hosting provider based in Poland. They use top quality hardware, have servers located in Tier III data centers, and commit to a 99.982% availability.

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Domena.pl was founded in 2002. Having grown quickly, they now have more than 50,000 clients and 50 employees. Their servers are located in a Tier III data center in Poland. Their website is available in Polish, but their support is also available in English.

Features and Ease of Use

Domena.pl is a full-service website hosting company that provides shared hosting, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, as well as domain registration and SSL certificates.

As standard, their shared hosting plans include the following features:

  • 99.982% availability
  • Daily and weekly automatic backups
  • Up to five free .pl domains
  • Free SSL certificate
  • From 200 GB to 500 GB disk space
  • Unlimited bandwidth

Domena.pl make a really big effort to inform their customers about their infrastructure and security measures. They own their own servers which are collocated in a Tier III data center that ensures 99.982% availability, N+1 fault tolerance, and at least 72 hours power outage protection. They use SSD RAID storage so that data is automatically duplicated and can act as a backup in the event of disk failure. Servers are managed by Domena.pl engineers, who are available 24/7.

They offer unlimited bandwidth, which to my mind is a little gimmicky because nothing can be truly unlimited. Maybe “not arbitrarily restricted” would be a better term, except that many providers do say that their unlimited offerings are subject to a “fair use” policy.

I could not find any information in Domena.pl’s terms and conditions to say what they really mean by unlimited. I also could not find a service level agreement (SLA) on their website, although they do commit to 99.982% availability in line with Tier III specifications.

Pricing and Support

Prices for new customers are extremely affordable. You pay less for a whole year than many other companies charge for one month, but beware that the prices do increase when it comes time to renew. You get up to five free .pl domains with all packages, plus SSL certificates on all packages except the cheapest. Note, however, that there are additional costs if you want a .com or other top-tier domain. You can purchase in 12- or 24-month terms, which you need to commit to with no money-back guarantee or free trial.

You can reach the sales support team on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm, and the technical support team on Mondays to Fridays from 7 am to 7 pm, and on Saturdays from 10 am to noon, through telephone or email. Ideally, I’d like to contact them 24/7 via live chat, but I realize that this is a budget provider whose technical support is complemented by useful help documentation.


How does Domena.pl match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1Domena.plCompareOur Score4.3Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


Domena.pl is a budget-friendly provider using Tier III data centers, SSD drives, and with support for  PHP 7.1. Expert users may require more advanced scripting features, but beginners and small website owners will appreciate the top quality hardware at a fraction of the usual cost.


  • Very affordable pricing
  • Tier III data centers
  • 99.982% availability
  • Unlimited bandwidth


  • No uptime SLA
  • No live chat available
Mark Holden Mark Holden
Mark is a full stack web developer specializing in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. When he’s not busy building websites or geeking out over the latest addition to his ever-growing gadget collection, he enjoys playing drums for his progressive rock band. He can also make a mean Spanish omelet.
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Dobry hosting

Korzystam z usług od kilku miesięcy i widzę poprawę w widoczności strony. Hosting bez większych problemów. Mogliby jeszcze dopracować panel klienta, ale to drobiazg. Polecam

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Paweł Rudnicki, Poland
February 25, 2025
Zdecydowanie warto

Nie spodziewałem się, że za taką cenę dostanę tak dobry hosting. Wszystko działa stabilnie, a kontakt z obsługą klienta to czysta przyjemność. Zdecydowanie warto!

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Krystian Adamski, Poland
February 18, 2025
Wysoka jakość

Bardzo dobry hosting. Poza tym chcę zaznaczyć, że oferują pozycjonowanie, które naprawdę działa! W krótkim czasie zauważyliśmy znaczną poprawę pozycji. Zdecydowanie polecam współpracę

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Romek Bartkowiak, Poland
February 10, 2025

Stabilny hosting z wysoką dostępnością i szybkim działaniem. Widać, że znają się na rzeczy. Dla mnie to od dawna jedyny wybór.

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Sławek Zborowski, Poland
January 17, 2025

Posiadam u nich hosting i pozycjonowanie, z obu usług jestem bardzo zadowolona. Do tego niebywale pomocna obsługa co jest miłym zaskoczeniem

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Karolina Kownacka, Poland
January 15, 2025
5 na 5

Jako właściciel kilku stron internetowych potrzebowałem elastycznego i niezawodnego hostingu, co mi zapewnili. Świetna wydajność, fajne wsparcie, ceny przystępne - z mojej strony mogę tylko polecać

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Tomasz, Poland
January 07, 2025

Współpracuję z nimi od kilku już lat. Hosting działa bez zarzutu, telefony szybko odbierane. Pozycjonowanie strony jak na razie także skuteczne. Z mojej strony mogę tylko polecać

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Tomek, Poland
January 02, 2025

Jeden z lepszych dostawców hostingu, z jakimi miałem do czynienia. Ceny są przystępne, a usługi bardzo profesjonalne. Jak dla mnie 10/10

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