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CLAUS WEB Reviews 2025 – Believe in the Uptime Guarantee?

Mark Holden Written by: Mark Holden

CLAUS WEB is a website hosting provider based in Romania. They offer a full suite of web hosting services including shared cloud hosting, dedicated hosting, virtual private servers, SSL certificates, and domain registration.

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First established in 2005, CLAUS WEB is a leading Romanian website hosting provider. They currently serve over 100,000 customers worldwide, though most of their customers are in Romania. Their website is only available in Romanian.

Features and Ease of Use

CLAUS WEB offers a full range of web hosting services including shared hosting, cloud hosting, semi-dedicated and dedicated servers, virtual private servers, reseller hosting, domain registration and SSL certificates. They even provide website design and search engine marketing services, so customers looking for a convenient solution have a one-stop shop for all their internet marketing needs.

As standard, their shared hosting plans come with the following features:

  • 99.9% uptime guaranteed
  • Weekly and monthly automatic backups
  • Free domain registration with higher-tier shared hosting packages
  • Unlimited subdomains
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Support for PHP 5.x, MariaDB 10.x, Tomcat 7.x, CGI, Perl, Python, and more

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CLAUS WEB takes website security seriously. They offer a variety of extra features specifically to keep your website fast and highly secure, such as Cloudflare, SpamExperts Output Filter, and LiteSpeed Web Server. Also, all packages include a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate along with antispam and antivirus email filters as standard.

Like many other web hosting providers, CLAUS WEB provides Softaculous with all their shared hosting plans. This comes with 335 free applications or scripts, which is great for beginners: with just a few clicks, you can install WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and much more.

Pricing and Support

CLAUS WEB has very good pricing compared to both their local and international competitors. While their lowest-tier packages will likely be inadequate for most businesses, even their most expensive packages are still very reasonably priced. Strangely enough though, they don’t include a domain registration with any of their Business Hosting plans, though they do include it for their higher-tier regular shared hosting packages.

Their pricing is also very clearly laid out. Instead of offering a misleading claim of “unlimited” traffic or bandwidth, they define the exact limit for each package. Prices are listed in Euros and Romanian Leu. They don’t offer a flexible monthly billing term; you have to purchase plans for a minimum of three months – and sometimes even one year, depending on the package you’ve chosen. They do offer discounts for purchasing a longer term though.

If you decide to transfer your website from another hosting company, we will handle the migration process for free. However, please note that we do not offer free trials, freemium plans, or a money-back guarantee. Additionally, it is unclear whether you can easily switch between different plans.

Unfortunately, the main downside of CLAUS WEB is their customer service provision. They offer telephone or email support, but only during working hours. Customers may also submit a ticket through their website, though the system is rather rudimentary. I have to say this seems pretty limited, especially when they have such a large customer base.

A small consolation is the guarantee of 24/7 server monitoring. Also, they do have a Frequently Asked Questions section on their website, which offers some useful information in the event you’re unable to reach their support team.


How does CLAUS WEB match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1CLAUS WEBCompareOur Score4.5Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


CLAUS WEB is an affordable web hosting provider with top-class equipment such as RAID-6 hard drives with 15,000 RPM. However, their technical support is rather limited, and most of their shared hosting plans don’t include free domain registration.


  • RAID-6 hard drives running at 15,000 RPM
  • 99.9% guaranteed uptime
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Affordable pricing


  • Limited customer service options
  • No monthly contracts
Mark Holden Mark Holden
Mark is a full stack web developer specializing in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. When he’s not busy building websites or geeking out over the latest addition to his ever-growing gadget collection, he enjoys playing drums for his progressive rock band. He can also make a mean Spanish omelet.
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Ca la puscarie. NU cumparati de la Claus WEB

In clipa in care ai ales sa iei gazduire web de la ei, ai puso. Daca vrei sa te muti nu iti poti lua backup din cPanel (e oprit), daca le ceri back-up iti spune ca nu se poate si ca iti poate da doar restore + te suna si te tot forteaza ca sa nu te muti, totusi nu te poti muta doar daca iei baza de date manual fisierele, mailurile si restu se duc. Cea mai mare greseala facuta, si e vorba de 3-4 site-uri/conturi separat. Feriti-va de firma asta, e ca la puscarie. Atentie serviciul nu a expirat! este inca achitat, baga motiv ca nu ai platit factura dar serviciul este inca activ si achitat pana in perioada x chiar daca te muti cu 3 saptamanii inainte. Nu muscati cele spuse de ei!

1 avatar
Hering Florin, Romania
January 31, 2023
Cel mai bun și mai rapid support pe care l-am întâlnit vreodată

Folosesc clausweb.ro din 2017 și nu am fost niciodată dezamăgit. Foloseam chiar  și multe altele și nu se compară cu Clausweb. Asistența pentru clienți este cea mai bună ... răspund foarte repede în câteva minute, nu există probleme pe care nu le pot rezolva. Unii dintre prietenii mei au început să folosească hostingul de la Clausweb și apreciază serviciile și asistența oferite. Vă pot spune cu siguranță că este cel mai bun și mai rapid support pe care l-am întâlnit vreodată.

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Alexandru, Romania
June 16, 2021
Update 80%, Firewall inutil + echipa de suport impertinenta!

Va recomand cu caldura sa plecati cat mai urgent de la aceasta firma deoarece nu prezinta seriozitate. O sa ajungeti mai tarziu cu mari probleme cu site-ul si binenteles o sa va treziti de niste raspunsuri foarte impertinente! Intradevar, raspunsul lor este putin rapid pentru support dar degeaba, te plimba prin mailuri si se pierde foarte mult cu niste intrebari/actiuni prostesti.

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anonymus, Romania
February 24, 2021
Prutean Sergiu – Headsoft

De aproape 20 ani sunt in colaborare cu ei, pot spune ca au progresat de la an la an si cel mai important lucru: atunci cand apare vre-o problema, de multe ori care nu e legata de hosting - testeaza pana la cele mai mici detalii si o rezolva de fiecare data, si foarte rapid. Excelent din toate punctele de vedere!

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Sergiu Prutean, Romania
June 10, 2020
NOTA 1000 pentru calitate si profesionalism!

Multumesc ClausWeb si Claudiu Cadar pentru ajutorul oferit in a restabilii serviciile de calitate CooL FM Xtra, cu care ne-am obisnuit cititorii si ascultatorii. Apreciez tot efortul si ajutorul echipei clausweb, profesionalismul si rapiditatea cu care servesc in sprijinul clientilor!... Inca odata, multumesc si apreciez suportul tehnic si profesionalismul! NOTA 1000 pentru calitate si profesionalism!

Cristian Nastase, Great Britain
March 25, 2020
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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