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1Gb.ua Review 2025 – You Get What You Pay For

Mark Holden Written by: Mark Holden

Ukrainian web hosting provider 1Gb.ua was founded in 2005. They focus on virtual hosting, with fast installation and ease of use.

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Ukrainian web hosting provider 1Gb.ua was founded in 2005, and to date, they have hosted more than 10,000 websites. They focus on virtual hosting, with fast installation and ease of use. Their website is available in Russian and Ukrainian, but they also provide support in English.

Features and Ease of Use

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With a primary focus on virtual hosting, 1Gb.ua sells shared hosting, virtual dedicated servers, and virtual private servers. Their shared hosting plans come with the following core features:

  • 99.8% or 99.94% (VIP) availability
  • Automatic backups for disaster recovery
  • From one to twenty independent websites
  • SSL/HTTPS support
  • From 2000MB to 25,000MB SSD hybrid disk quota

What 1Gb.ua calls virtual hosting is simply shared hosting for websites, mail, and databases. They sell four website hosting packages, the smallest of which comes with one domain, one database, and 2000MB of hybrid SSD disk space. This package includes support for the latest version of PHP, plus FTP access and automatic website backups.

If you’re looking for more advanced features, you’ll need to consider the three higher packages that include support for cURL, Perl, Python, CGI, Ruby, Zope, Tomcat, ASP, ASP.NET, as well as SSH access and multiple SQL databases.

1Gb.ua offers really good flexibility on all of their plans. While they have base configurations that you can stick with if you wish, you can also choose to customize a base plan in a multitude of ways at the checkout. Options include (but are not limited to) addiotional disk quota, additional domains, additional databases and so on.

All the plans are compatible with popular CMS programs such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. There is also a free website building tool with over 100 readymade templates, which could be good for beginners, in contrast to their website which is quite technical and geared towards advanced users.

Pricing and Support

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The lowest plan includes only one domain and limited features, so – although the resource levels are quite high – it’s likely that most users will need to upgrade to the second plan that is still well priced and includes four domains. If you need to upgrade to get yet more domains, you find that the two highest plans get pretty pricey.

Plans can be bought on a wide variety of term lengths from one month to five years, with very deep discounts for the longest terms. You can sign up for a ten-day free trial, which might be useful before you make a major commitment. All customizations cost extra, but all plans come with a free Ukrainian domain and support for SSL / HTTPS.

You can receive support through various channels, such as email, live chat, Jabber, Skype, and telephone. Whenever I’ve used the live chat, they have promptly responded and gladly assisted me (in English).


How does 1Gb.ua match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1CompareOur Score4.4Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


1Gb.ua offers a fully customizable set of virtual hosting plans. If you’re looking for a company primarily aimed at advanced users, which will scale your resources as you grow, then this is a great option.


  • Very customizable plans
  • Monthly plans and long-term discounts
  • Ten-day free trial
  • Good support via live chat


  • Quite a technical website
  • No business hours advertised

Advanced hosting available now at 1Gb.ua
Mark Holden Mark Holden
Mark is a full stack web developer specializing in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP. When he’s not busy building websites or geeking out over the latest addition to his ever-growing gadget collection, he enjoys playing drums for his progressive rock band. He can also make a mean Spanish omelet.
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Нет поддержки и больше года ждать решений

Это было хорошо (4 из 5) стало плохо (0 из 5) услуги, которые были проданы - не работают ))) обсуждение занимает больше года и теперь поддержка намекает, что и вовсе услуги не будет. Как выдумаете?

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Vladimir, Belgium
August 26, 2024
Заблокировали кабинет.

Заблокировали кабинет без причины. Якобы высылают письма для разблокировки на почтовый ящик, но ничего не приходит. Разблокировать отказываются. И без разницы работает все у нас или нет. У них своя инструкция - кабинет в блок. Для разблокировки дайте данные платежной карты. Отношение к клиентам - хуже некуда!

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Дмитрий, Ukraine
January 22, 2024
Компания ужасная,не советую)бюрократична контора,не умеют работать в реальном времени!

Ужас,сонные работники,отвратительная работа консультантов,не современные подходы в работе с клиентами) Веду переговоры более 1.5 месяца,конца края нет.Бумаги потраченно намеренно,Эл.почты написано столько же Результат 0 Флегматичные сотрудники,руководство виртуальное Всем наплевать Не советую связываться с этой конторой,вам дороже и кучу нервов потратите

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НАТАЛЬЯ, Germany
September 13, 2022
Ужасная тех поддержка

Отвечают на вопрос, очень долго, и так на отвали, что ничего не понятно и приходится догадываться.... могут забрать домен и ничего не сказать, затем ответ на вопрос что случилось с доменом - "Уже вернули", но вернули заблокированый, и так уже неделю сайт недоступен...

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Андрей, Poland
January 25, 2022
Самый ненадежный и дорогой хостинг

Самый ненадежный и дорогой хостинг. Когда не зайду - сайт лежит, включают только после обращения в службу поддержки (процессорная нагрузка не превышаэтся). Поддержки фактически нет: телефон не отвечает а через чат ответа можно ждать сутками. Похоже на мошенничество. Не советую. Начинаю переезд на другой хостинг.

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Сергец, Ukraine
December 12, 2020
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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