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1Eurohosting Web Hosting
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1EuroHosting is a web hosting service from the Netherlands. They not only offer great hosting packages but also have a website builder that is available in the Dutch language. Their hosting offers range from those for WordPress websites to Joomla as well as free scripts. Moreover, you can also get an email hosting package if your business demands that.
The pricing of the hosting packages is pretty simple. There are 4 different packages in total and you pay a small monthly fee and get a specific amount of web space in return. The basic packages offer limited data traffic but if you are just starting your online journey, this shouldn’t matter. However, if you do feel you need unlimited data traffic, you can always choose of the later two packages.
When you purchase any plan, you will receive 350 free scripts. These scripts encompass a wide range of options, including WordPress, Magento, phpBB, Joomla, and many others. Additionally, you’ll have access to an admin control panel that enables you to manage all your hosting-related matters.
For those lacking the required technical knowledge for creating websites, the website builder comes in really handy. It is available in 31 different languages which makes it perfect or creating multilingual websites. You can integrate multimedia, social media as well as Google Maps. Since the designing is responsive, one design will work for all devices whether they are smartphones or tablets. The website offers a demo of their website builder where you can choose from the wide variety of templates available and check out the different tools to determine if it is indeed the right one for you.
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Heel tevreden met 1eurohosting
Aanvankelijk waren wij een beetje bang van de lage prijzen van 1eurohosting. Angst blijkt onterecht. Ondanks dat er geen telefonische helpdesk is, is de service razendsnel. Daar kant telefonisch support bijna niet tegenop. We komen van Vimexx. Dan is 1eurohosting een enorme opluchting. Onze webistes zijn ook enorm veel sneller op de servers van 1eurohosting. Hopelijk houdt 1eurohsoting dit service- en prijsniveau vast.
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