Publicado pela primeira vez em:27 de Setembro de 2017
If you’ve decided to use Shopify as your web builder and/or ecommerce solution, then the next decision you’ll have to make is whether to go with the basic plan or the pro plan. Now the biggest talking point is why the Pro plan comes $50 more expensive than the Basic plan, when the Basic plan seems to offer like-for-like service.The idea of today’s article is to compare these two packages and see just what you get for your money and how each plan can really help boost your business. Some of you will go for the Basic plan, some of you will choose the Pro plan, we want to help you make the best decision.What you really need to think about is the quality and capability of the features and tools you will get with the Pro plan. After all, the extra $50 is there for a very good reason. I use Shopify for one of my personal websites and I must say that the abandoned purchase affection recovery tool is a gem in disguise.
More about abandoned shopping carts
As you can see, many people come to your site looking for something to buy, add this item or items to their shopping cart, and then for some reason they abandon their shopping cart. Sometimes the reason for this can be something as simple as, for example, they need to pick up the kids from school or they had to make a long roll call. Overall, it has been reported that 67% of people abandon their shopping cart, which is a lot of lost money for your business.The solution is the recovery tool, which will send an email to the customer to follow up on why they abandoned their shopping cart at Checkout. This is all automated on the dashboard, so you don’t have to lift a finger. At the end of the day, if you manage to recover at least 10% of abandoned carts, you can add anything from $1,000 to $10,000 to your bottom line (depending on the cost of sales).
Your email template
But it’s not all about the abandoned cart itself. The conversion will happen with what you write in the email template that Shopify will automatically send. So when writing an email, you need to perfect the subject line and body content.Here, we give you three tips:
The subject line: The first thing the customer will see in their inbox will make this a good call to action. “Oops, looks like you forgot something”, “You have items awaiting Checkout”, something that provokes the reader to open the email.
Content: Be sure to mention what the potential customer has left in their shopping cart, along with a link to the cart. Doing so increases the chances that they will understand that you are helping them get to the website and checkout step with a single click.
Finally, our third tip is to make sure you mention your business in the email, at the top, and in the signature.
Shopify has a great article on template emails and it’s worth checking out here.
If you operate a store that only sells a few items or a store that sells items at $5, then upgrading to the pro plan may not be ideal for you as you will spend an extra $50 a month that may not return abandoned carts anyway.However, if you’re a larger company or a company that sells items for $50, $100, or $150 a piece, then this tool might be the best thing you’ve ever used. This can make the difference to your business’ future growth. So, reflect on that.
Oliver é desenvolvedor web sênior. Ele desenvolve recursos e gerencia tarefas de manutenção para o site do Website Planet e apps associados de Android (Java e Kotlin).
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