Fiverr: AI Is Only as Powerful as the Talent Using it
Freelance platform Fiverr issued its 2024 Generative AI Usage Report. The report draws on responses from 3,300 Fiverr freelancers, unveiling insights on the most used AI tools, AI trends, benefits, and challenges.
According to the report, AI usage has reached 63% among freelancers, up by 5% since 2023, with ChatGPT(88%), MidJourney (37%), and Firefly (29%) being the most used generative AI tools. Freelancers also report using Quillbot (18%), Hugging Face (18%), and Gemini (15%). Despite the rise in the usage of AI tools, levels of skepticism remain high amid concerns about the quality and accuracy of AI outputs as well as privacy and copyright issues.
The industries where AI usage is on the rise are programming and tech (86%, up by 10% in 2023) and music and audio (41%, up by 9% in 2023). Freelancers are using AI tools the most for text and content generation (40%), visuals and art (19%), and data analysis (18%). Over one-third of freelancers (36%) are paying for the AI tools they use, up by 10% from 2023.
While another survey shows most employees feel AI is creating more work for them than increasing their productivity, Fiverr freelancers seem more positive. Fiverr’s latest report shows that 67% of them report AI tools have increased their productivity.
Still, perceptions and concerns regarding AI adoption in the workplace differ globally. The AI usage report shows close to half of UK-based freelancers are skeptical about the quality of the AI outputs. At the same time, privacy, legal, and copyright issues concern a quarter of US-based freelancers.
Despite fears of AI replacing humans, Fiverr’s report highlights AI tools are as good as the humans who use them.
In its latest musical-style ad, “Nobody Cares”, Fiverr explains people don’t care whether others use AI to create or fuel something – all they want is results. As the characters in the ad sing, if it “works,” “disrupts,” “converts,” and is “fast,” nobody cares about AI involvement.
Fiverr’s ad sparked mixed reactions. Some found it funny and spot on, while others criticized its nonchalant attitude towards AI transparency.