デザインプロジェクトで共同作業をしたことがある方なら、この点は想定内かもしれませんが、Canvaではユーザーを招待して共同作業ができます。しかし、Canva for Teamsプランに加入する必要があるので追加料金が発生します。招待されたメンバー全員が共有コンテンツプランナーにアクセスでき、ほんの2〜3クリックで簡単にコンテンツやデザインを共有、編集、コメントできます。
また、メンバーにタスクや役割を割り当てることができ、管理ソフトを追加で導入することなく投稿スケジュールを管理できます。Canva for Teamsプランは、少人数(5名まで)であれば低価格で利用できますが、メンバーが追加される毎に高くなります。
onclick="trackClickout('event', 'clickout', 'Visit User Reviews', 'canva', this, true );"
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I signed up in the last few years & had my data leaked but wasn’t notified
I signed up in the last few years & had my data leaked but wasn't notified. I found out my or our data was leaked due to my VPN data leak search? It is hard to feel
I am not able to change my email that matches my business name. Canva will not let me change my email to this email. When I sign in with an email, Canva states that that email already exists… da! THERE IS NO ONE TO HELP SOLVE thIS ISSUE!! AFTER 3+ Attempts!!!
List an email account and was trying to log into Canva. There is zero customer support to help you get back into your Pro account… essentially shutting down your business because of loss of all marketing assets. The company doesn’t even list a customer support line on their website and emails are answered by bots. Need to find a better company.