Buon editor dal design di base ma con prezzi nascosti a volontà
I will start with the positives to this web builder before I move on to some issues that may put you off. The positives are that Webstarts have a great little editor in place that is easy to use and highly customisable, with a plethora of features and tools that can really bring your business and site into the 21st century.
So, the issues that may put you off is the lack of transparency they have. Hidden prices are all over the place with this editor and you feel that every-time you pull in a tool or feature to use, you are being redirected to a payment page. So when you look at the low general pricing plans, which look amazing (less than $20 for the top tier plan), it can quickly add up due to the lack of features.
Why Choose Webstarts?
- Easy to use
- Menu builders
- Customizable designs
- Easier and faster registration with your Facebook account
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