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Hostpapa Review 2025 – Apa Kata Pengguna?

Max Anderson Ditulis oleh: Max Anderson

Spasi Penyimpanan Tak Terbatas & Lalu Lintas Tak Terbatas
Jaminan Uang Kembali & Jaminan Waktu Aktif 99,9%
Peralatan SEO Gratis & Pemasang Skrip Fantastico

Sebelum Anda membuat keputusan final, Anda sebaiknya melihat dulu paket murah dari Hostinger.

Situs web WordPress yang sama kami tempatkanpada platform hosting web paling populerdanmengukurkinerjanya
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Sarana Hosting Berharga Bagus dan Fitur Solid

HostPapa menyuguhkan situs web berpenampilan sangat hijau dan memberikan alasan kalau mereka berfokus terutama untuk menyediakan layanan yang lebih hijau bagi pelanggannya. Mereka menerapkan ini dengan membeli kredit tenaga angin untuk setiap watt energi yang dipakai oleh perusahaan, dan mereka sesungguhnya perusahaan pertama dari yang ada untuk mulai melakukan itu. Sejak itu makin banyak perusahaan telah ikut mengekor.

Mereka adalah organisasi berbasis di AS dan Kanada, menawarkan harga bagus untuk usaha kecil hingga menengah, dengan CPanel sudah tersedia dan cukup banyak fitur ekstra guna membantu membangun, merawat, dan memasarkan situs web Anda. HostPapa mendukung lebih dari 500.000 usaha kecil dan situs web pribadi. Dengan harga awal $3.95 per bulan, yang susah termasuk “hampir semuanya” tak terbatas dan layanan pelanggan hebat, HostPapa layak dicoba.

Mengapa Memilih HostPapa?Hostpapa homepage

  • Pemimpin dalam Teknologi Hijau
  • Ranah/Lebar Pita/Spasi Penyimpanan/Basis Data MySQL Tak Terbatas
  • Peralatan SEO & Promo
  • Kontrol waktu aktif kokoh

Mau tahu bila HostPapa cocok untuk Anda?
Mari Kita Lihat!



Banyak Fitur, Harga Murah

HostPapa menawarkan cukup banyak fitur. Layanan ini juga berfokus pada usaha kecil seperti blog dan proyek eDagang kecil. Juga, ada sebuah bagian yang dikhususkan untuk Aplikasi Google (lembar kerja, Google Docs, dll.) yang dapat dibeli.

Informasi teknis dari paket HostPapa cukup atraktif. Anda akan mendapatkan basis data MySQL 5.1, ranah dan sub ranah tak terbatas, limit nol untuk akun email, dan paket pemasaran dengan kredit gratis untuk 5+ alat promo. Dan jangan lupa kalau semuanya hijau dan biayanya cukup terjangkau.

Anda bisa mendapatkan yang jauh lebih baik daripada jaminan waktu aktif di HostPapa sebab situs HostPapa.com berjalan pada 99,98% sementara mereka memberikan 99,9% bagi semua pelanggan di semua paket yang saat ini ditawarkannya. Statistik luar biasa ini berasal dari tingkat teknologi dan sistem yang sudah mereka terapkan, yang mencakup cadangan daya UPS, firewall dan sistem pemantauan 24/7 untuk terus mengawasi stabilitasnya.

Tetapi itu bukan semuanya, mereka memiliki persiapan keamanan kelas tinggi dengan penjaga aktual berseragam meronda pusat data untuk memastikan tidak ada penerobosan akan pernah terjadi. Tingkat keamanan yang sebagian besar perusahaan hosting tidak bisa mengatakan mereka menyediakannya.

HostPapa mendapatkan reputasi tanpa cela dalam keahlian teknis, keandalan, keamanan dan dukungan pelanggan.


Kemudahan penggunaan

Hostpapa cpanel

Mudah Digunakan dan Mendaftar

Situs HostPapa dirancang dengan baik dan sering diperbarui. Ada banyak informasi perusahaan, serta blog aktif yang rutin diposkan. Pendaftaran dan pemilihan paketnya mudah, dan semua fitur yang disertakan terdaftar dengan jelas.

Anda tidak perlu tahu HTML atau memiliki pengalaman desain untuk memanfaatkan antarmuka seret-dan-lepas mereka, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan penampilan situs web Anda dengan relatif cepat, serta gawai/widget siap pakai dan fungsionalitas untuk memperkaya situs Anda.

Hostpapa signup

HostPapa menggunakan cPanel standar industri yang mudah digunakan dan dapat diatur untuk sebagian besar pengguna. Karena banyaknya produk yang dimasukkan dalam paket, Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak fungsionalitas pada panel HostPapa Anda dibandingkan pada perusahaan hosting lainnya.

  • Pendaftaran transparan
  • Pembangun situs berfitur lengkap
  • Siap pasang untuk platform populer seperti WordPress


Hostpapa support

Bantuan Segera Tiba!

HostPapa memiliki seksi bantuan, dengan video yang ditandai secara khusus untuk hampir semua hal – Anda tidak akan merasakannya seperti info biasa. Anda dapat menelepon atau chat 24/7 serta email atau menelusuri area forum penggunanya yang ekstensif. Bila Anda memiliki masalah, ada kemungkinan itu diperbincangkan dalam forum atau basis pengetahuan, dan bantuan manusia juga dapat diakses dengan cepat. Oleh karena ini merupakan perusahaan internasional, artikelnya juga ada dalam bahasa Perancis dan Spanyol.

  • Tutorial Video
  • Dukungan Telepon, Live Chat, Email 24/7
  • Forum
  • Pusat Dukungan – Basis pengetahuan dan berita terbatas
  • Blog


Berhati-hatilah Saat Membayar!

Di sisi inilah HostPapa kehilangan beberapa poin. Benar, harganya bersaing, terutama yang ditawarkannya berkaitan dengan fitur dan dukungan. Tetapi dalam praktiknya seperti praseleksi pengaya saat membayar di kasir (misalnya paket Private Domain dan keamanan SiteLock), atau perpanjangan ranah setelah gratis 1 tahun, tidak keren sama sekali. Untuk mendapatkan IP khusus, Anda harus menggali lebih jauh guna mencari tahu kalau ini ada biaya tambahan $36/thn (per November 2017).

Untuk kekecewaan pelanggan yang tidak puas, gratis penyiapan yang diiming-imingkan sebenarnya mengenai Anda biaya pembatalan berlangganan, tanpa memandang “Jaminan Uang Kembali” yang bisa diklaim dalam waktu 30 hari. Namun, kendatipun ada gangguan ini, mereka menawarkan harga murah untuk apa yang Anda dapatkan – sepanjang Anda memahami apa yang akan Anda dapatkan.

Nama domain gratis termasuk dengan beberapa paket hosting dari Hostpapa


Bandingkan Hostpapa dengan Para Kompetitornya?

1NiagahosterBandingkanSkor Kami4.9Bandingkan
1HostingerBandingkanSkor Kami4.9Bandingkan
1BandingkanSkor Kami4.0Bandingkan
1BandingkanSkor Kami0.0Bandingkan

Ulasan Hostpapa: Kesimpulan

HostPapa berusaha keras memberikan Anda layanan terbaik untuk uang Anda. Layanan ini gampang untuk dihubungi untuk minta bantuan dan bantuan di masa mendatang. Terlepas dari dan taktik penjualannya yang kurang tulus, mereka menawarkan cukup banyak untuk harganya. Jadi meskipun bila Anda membeli sebuah paket dengan opsi tiga tahun, masalahnya adalah, Anda akan membiayai situs web Anda untuk sekali waktu.

Dengan mempertimbangkan semua fitur yang dimasukkan dan karena alasan-alasan teknis, HostPapa merupakan pilihan terbaik untuk blog, proyek usaha rintisan atau beberapa toko online kecil. Beberapa peralatan siap pakai dan pembangun situs web akan membantu Anda untuk meluncurkan kehadiran Anda di web.



  • Ramah lingkungan – 100% tenaga angin
  • Layanan dan dukungan cepat
  • Banyak fitur dimasukkan
  • Berapa set fitur yang bagus termasuk SEO & kredit promo
  • Kontrak Panjang
  • Memeriksa secara otomatis pengaya di keranjang belanja
  • Biaya pembatalan $29.95

Suka Tinjauan Hostpapa? Kunjungi Hostpapa.
Max Anderson Max Anderson
Max adalah seorang Arsitek Produk dan Ilmuwan Data. Dia mengajar HTML, CSS, dan JS pada pengembang web usia muda, dan dia menulis beberapa panduan pertama untuk perkembangan aplikasi perangkat seluler untuk Android dan iOS.
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look for something else.

We were forced into hostpapa when Lunarpages shut down. They were pretty steady with occasional outages for a few years but recently they have really gone down. They chose to do a maintenance on a Monday instead of a weekend and we have been waiting and waiting for the service to get back to what it was. Response to tickets used to be fast now it takes at least a full day to get any reply. I almost feel like they are working on a skeleton staff and just can't keep up with the workload. Really disappointed.

1 avatar
Mike, AS
14 Januari 2025

When I researched, I felt pretty good about host papa ads. However, I am very disappointed with its premium plan, only 2 pages is allowed and no ecommerce. And this policy is no where to be seen before I purchased the service. After I told them this service doesn't fit my needs, they deducted $27 for the domain fee. They told me I can keep the domain. But, they replied "As per your request, the following service has been set to be canceled immediately: Premium (geniuscentral.ca) Single SSL Certificate (geniuscentral.ca) Protection Power - Starter (geniuscentral.ca) Website Backup 5GB Storage (geniuscentral.ca) Domain Registration - Register (geniuscentral.ca) Domain Privacy (geniuscentral.ca). Domain name registrations, once completed can not be canceled or refunded. We have reactivated the domain name by assigning it in your HostPapa account for you to use or manage. Although please note that newly registered or transferred domain names are locked for 60 days before it can be transferred. This is not good business practice.

1 avatar
Bob, AS
23 Agustus 2024
Hostpapa… bad experience i had

the worst experience I had with the host is Hodtpapa... never come to this website... even if they don't refund ur money I really don't understand they can not fix the problem with their servers... and I ask them to refund money the cancel my service and wrote to me we don"t refund it

Mehdi, AS
26 Oktober 2023
Don’t Even Bother

My current hosting service really jacked up my rate so I started looking for another provider. I settled on HP because of the reviews and Canadian servers. They can't seem to get the domain transferred. When I've transferred hosts in the past this happened within a day or so. I finally got them to transfer my site only to find out I have to do a lot of the work myself to get it to point to hostpapa -- still not sure it is. Then I was supposed to have 10 emails included in my plan. Come to find out, I have to pay extra for each individual email address. Their support department is really less than helpful. Zero stars not one.

1 avatar
Sam Patterson, Kanada
22 Januari 2023
Definitely think twice

After their purchase of one on one internet and migrating me to their service, they have consistently engaged in nickel and dime, strong arm hard sell techniques. I receive regular (almost as if it was on a sales quota schedule) about minor infractions of my account on perf once a month or so when running the word fence process on my domains to help compensate for their mediocre security. After trying all different techniques to mitigate the issue, I finally broke down and let them migrate me from the plan I had under 1:1 for 10 years to one of their 'business plan'. Of course, like clockwork, and after the refund period had passed, now they are contacting me regarding any email box that gets anywhere close to exceeding their ridiculous 1000mb per box limit (regardless of if you only have 3 email accounts or the total size of storage of all email accounts). They of course want to now 'upsell' me to yet another plan the 'will solve all my issues' but not really give me any new features or storage that I would actually utilize. IMHO, avoid the 'shake down' racket and look elsewhere first. I certainly am regretting not doing that before signing up for their first 3 year upsell that would 'solve all my problems'*** *** at least until the very short refund period expires and the next sales quota period is reached.

1 avatar
Stephen, AS
04 Januari 2023
Buyer beware …

I rarely rarely leave reviews, but this time I will take the time. I hope it saves someone from a very bad mistake. For 20 years me and my clients were with LFC Hosting. Best customer service ever ... UNTIL they were bought out by HostPapa. The very DAY that all my sites moved to HostPapa servers, we have had nothing but problems. In fact, after all my sites were migrated to HostPapa, I received an email from HostPapa informing me that the new credentials to my new control panel(s) would be sent in a separate email. Never received it. Called support. They said they would resend. Nope. Never got it until at least a day later. Recently, just one of our sites was down 29 times in just 17 days. Customer service is NON existent ... and even when you end up talking to a real person (which is rare), they know next to nothing. Back on April 17, 2022, multiple HP servers were down for almost 5 hours. Last week at HostPapa's suggestion, we moved from Shared Hosting to a VPS, HOPING this would resolve the downtime. They promised a migration to happen at midnight on Friday April 8. Saturday morning (April 9) ... nothing. Tried to contact Migrations department. No response. Tried phone ... no one answering ... left voice mail. Tried online support chat .... finally someone replied and said it could take several hours. THREE DAYS later, we got a reply. That was April 12. FIVE DAYS later while they did finally migrate the site, they completely failed to follow their own procedures, and put our site live. The direction they had received (and by their own acknowledgment their own procedure) was that they would NOT switch DNS until 'after' we had a chance to review the site running on the VPS. The result? Due to subtle SQL Server differences from old server, and fact we were unable to do pre-launch testing, our site was still down. It irritates me that I have to give even 1 star in order to submit this.

1 avatar
Tery Emilson, Kanada
16 Juni 2022
They will try to control us. they can let us go any time.

I'm sharing my experience with all of you who are going to get hosting from HostPapa. First, I have a feeling: if you are just using this hosting as a CV so you are safe. If you are building your business but you are still in the first step and this hosting is ok for the budget, so you are not safe. think 2 times before you get this cheap hosting and ok to pay extra but be safe and not with hostpapa. My story : Their price is cheap is good The hosting is promoted as unlimited super good. you will ask yourself what is the catch, nothing is advertised has a catch. And looks legit!. Then after you buy the subscription, Emails will start from them to inform you, your website has faults that are against their resources policy. you will think, is it only me whos getting this issue?! but then you will find the Facebook website has faults, or can you just mention one website that does not have faults?! Moreover, Any new plugin you will install on the website will have a faulty effect when you activate it, or it might not match with the website/template. We can understand it's not a table you placed in the hosting with no changes or updates forever, it's a website that needs to be updated or add pages or new plugins the content might just be the text, font, or style. Faults will happen while you are doing that, but HostPapa they have a different way to think whether you used 1 % of the resource or 100%. but they want 0 faults in your hosting. which is non since only if you want to control the owner of the website. it is not possible for us to give 0 faults which are good upscale technic for them so get more upgrades and then more $$. However this is the catch, you will pay 2.5$ +- to get unlimited hosting at a nice price and good for your pocket. but they will not let you survive with them if you did not pay more. After so many Emails to push me to get an upgrade, sure I did not, I thought my account manager was supposed to let me see the errors that I should fix or guide me to fix it. he was talking to me like an AI system and I was thinking he is just an AI repeating his Emails over and over ( Ex:10 faults with screenshots please fix it). It's like this list of numbers 2. 3. 4. Like this and with a title Faults I'm sure some of you know how to get it or you know this list. The funny part I was replying to these emails like I'm chatting to a bot, but it was a real employee, so after those pushes that did not work with me, he threatened me by doing an inspection. and gave me 4 days to fix the faults which I don't know from where it's coming from I have 3 websites, or how to get 0 faults!!! (He's saying: upgrade or 0 faults ). So I asked him, by any chance do you know which website is giving these faults? and the issue was he knew it and he knew other things too which he could help me by providing that information from the first email he sent. that's strange. he called him self account manager. only to push me to upgrade I said, ok, inspection will allow me to see more things to fix. because my team was trying hard to find what is the issue. We knew the hosting is so slow, it is one of the limitations of cheap hosting but we don't need more. so after the inspection what happened? Nothing at all!! no one called me and no one update me what is the result of it. They did the inspection which I'm not against, but I did not receive the result yet i thought its a good one! they did not even Email me to say anything or send the screenshot that my account manager used to send 10 times per week or might be just an AI mode this time? suddenly all my 3 websites have been blocked, suspended. again no Emails to update me about this action! strange again. They controlled my business they blocked my recourse of income as they owned me. I'm using 60% of my resources they created faults for asking me to go or upgrade I was under their control for enough time. i moved to another hosting platform same plan with the same websites and no faults no emails to upgrade I found that they have some rules on their website, saying: account managers should update the clients before taking the action but they did not update me they just shut down my business. I don't have a lawyer to help me because my business is still small, and they knew that. However, I faced them and emailed them they returned my websites, again they don't want me anymore so they push me, my account manager again threatened me by telling me you have till 15th of Dec! for what? Then another email from the AI account manager said we will refund you the remaining amount if you will cancel your subscription! I was like (really!) other email from other person saying refund has been made you have till 28th Jan 2022. if it's a personal issue only with me (I'm assuming here)! If you don't want to give me your service so it's not the correct way, they have a big issue with money. you don't need to waste your time and my time by creating faults and inspections to let me

1 avatar
Soriana art, Kanada
12 Januari 2022
First time the sequel was better than the original!

I was a Lunarpages customer for nearly 20 years when I caught wind that they were bought by HostPapa, a company I never heard of. I dreaded the idea at first. But when I thought it over, the quality and service I was getting with Lunarpages were waning over the years. As time went on, I wasn't able to get tech support on the weekends, which is the only real-time I can work on websites. I couldn't get tech support at night. Things like 24-hour service when I first signed up for Lunarpages had disappeared or fell into a price range I couldn't afford. So I gave HostPapa a chance. And guess what? They have been a pleasure to work with! Tech support is a chat window away, and there is always someone there that is ready to answer any questions I might have. If their front lines can't solve the problem, they are prompt to escalate the issue to their 2nd tier support. Starlin over in tier 2 has been an invaluable contact! All of their tech support has. I never get the feeling I will be blown off, or that my issue is MY issue. They are there to help, and I am paying a rock bottom price. I've been with Hostpapa for a couple of years now and their service is outstanding. My sites are always up and running. I get questions answered. 5/5 stars!

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John M Kelly, AS
12 April 2021
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Hosting Hebat Berharga Murah

Plus, dapatkan nama domain dan email GRATIS