Ocjenjujemo dobavljače na temelju rigoroznog testiranja i istraživanja, ali također uzimamo u obzir vaše povratne informacije i naše komercijalne ugovore s pružateljima usluga. Ova stranica sadrži partnerske veze. Transparentnost oglašavanja

Webstarts iskustva 2025 – Što korisnici misle?

Donna Moses Napisao/la: Donna Moses
I signed up for an account at Webstarts, reviewed their templates and unique features, tested how simple it is to use the platform, and checked with support on several issues.  When done, I tried to cancel my account and receive a refund. This is my experience with Webstarts - I hope you can learn from it.



Dobar osnovni urednik dizajna, ali skrivenih cijena ima u izobilju

Počet ću prvo s pozitivnim stavkama ovog servisa prije nego što se prebacim na neke probleme koji bi vas mogli odbiti od toga da se odlučite na Webstarts. Pozitivno je da Webstarts ima odličan malo uredničko sučelje koji je jednostavan za korištenje i vrlo prilagodljiv, s mnoštvom mogućnosti i alata koji stvarno mogu dovesti vaše poslovanje i stranicu u 21. stoljeće.

No, nedostaci koji vas zaista mogu odbiti od korištenja ovog servisa je nedostatak transparentnosti koju imaju. Skrivene cijene su posvuda i mislite da svaki put kada poželite koristiti neki alat ili opciju, bit ćete preusmjereni na stranicu za plaćanje. Stoga, kada pogledate niske osnovne pakete cijene koje izgledaju nevjerojatno (manje od 20 dolara za paket), može se brzo uvećati zbog nedostatka opcija koje su vam potrebne za rad.

Zašto odabrati Webstarts?

  • Jednostavan za korištenje
  • Izrada izbornika
  • Prilagodljiv dizajn
  • Jednostavnija i brža registracija sa Facebook računom

Želite pročitati više o Webstarts? Nastavite čitati!



Dodatni prilagodljivi web-predlošci

Odabir– Webstarts ima prilično dobar raspon predložaka i tema. Podijeljeni su u vrlo jasne i specifične kategorije pa je navigacija lagana. Neki od predložaka izgledaju prilično retro, ali ako malo “prokopate” možete pronaći neke stvarno lijepe teme.

Prilagodba – Možete prilagoditi predložak Webstartsa kako god želite, čak i u besplatnoj verziji. Fontovi, boje, slike, sve što zamislite je moguće

Multimedija – Audio i video, slideshow fotografija i galerije su mogući samo uz plaćene planove.



Pretvorite svoju web stranicu u pametno poslovanje

Ponuda značajki i dodataja koje nudi Webstarts stvarno je bogata, tako da bi vas razgovor o svakoj pojedinačnoj opciji koju nude vjerojatno uspavao, pa ću odabrati neke od dobrih i loših stvari koje možete očekivati ​​s Webstarts.

S društvenim medijima koji su stalno sve veći i bolji, bit će vam drago znati da je integracija društvenih medija i profila dostupna, iako se naplaćuje. To uključuje integraciju Instagram, Facebook, Twitter i nekoliko drugih računa društvenih mreža. Što se tiče slika, možete ih prenositi i urediti pomoću nekoliko alata kao što su prilagodba veličine slike, postavke prozirnosti i alati za efekte.

Postoje i neke ne tako cool opcije za koje mislim da su izašli iz mode 1990-ih, a jedan je “hit counter”. Mislim, tko danas koristi “hit counter”?

Prilagođenost kupcima


Izradite svoju web stranicu bez ikakvih problema

Webstarts ima odlično “povuci i pusti” sučelje koje nakon jedne minute postaje super jednostavan za korištenje. Vrh i bočni izbornik su jednostavni za korištenje i navigaciju. Ali vjerojatno ćete složiti da imaju malen tehnički problem… Dvije poruke o nekoj pogrešci i iz drugih komentara koje sam čitao, znam da nisam jedini koji je imao problema s time.



Kako stoji Webstarts u usporedbi s konkurentima?

1WixUsporediNaša ocjena4.9Usporedi
1SquareSpaceUsporediNaša ocjena4.8Usporedi
1WebstartsUsporediNaša ocjena4.5Usporedi
1SimpleSiteUsporediNaša ocjena2.5Usporedi

Webstarts recenzija: Zaključak

Webstarts je jednostavan servis za izradu web stranica koji može biti nevjerojatno moćan. Cijene mogu biti iritantne, jer postoje skrivene naknade na koje morate paziti. Međutim, postoje dobre mogućnosti prilagodbe i značajke koje treba probati.
Donna Moses Donna Moses
Donna je strastvena spisateljica koja se bavi izradom zanimljivih i zabavnih sadržaja za tech i online svijet. Strastveni je ljubitelj nove tehnologije i internet trendova.
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Asked Me For My Credit Card Number

I did not have a great experience with WebStarts. I made a website; blogging was a little weird, and so was adding things like text or a photo. The domains were all very pricey, so I went with a subdomain. I published the website, and it was fine. I did create a survey for the viewers to fill out, but it wouldn't let me see which/what people responded. I didn't visit WebStarts for a very very long time. When I came back to make a new site, it said, 'Enter your credit card number in. We promise we won't charge it.' There were so many sketchy things with WebStarts, its a waste of time using it and trying to get it to work. Weebly is cheaper with useful templates and domain prices. The subdomain (free) is good too.

Emily F, SAD
26 Travnja 2020
Webstarts Review

I have been using webstarts for 2 years and so far I will say 6.7 is what I get for them. Like all the other sites, they aren't perfect so it really depends on what you are looking for.

I like Webstarts is affordable and very easy to use but at the same time, what makes me upset is their customer service. They are slow to respond, always have to wait on the phone.

Steve isn't very helpful at all. Always ask me to ask others for help. The 395 credits!! I never get to use it as my location isn't in USA which they should tell us about that. I had problems with the advertising credits but Steve only told me to ask Google or Twitter which means he has no idea how things work. By the way, Adam the CEO, I have never heard from him!

Once you choose a template, you will lose EVERYTHING if you want to change to another template! It can be very annoying. But I never seen other sites that can let you do that anyway.

Mr. Shiue, SAD
14 Listopada 2017
Webstarts Review

As someone who is not computer and internet savvy, I found that WebStarts was my best choice when I built my site. It was simple for me as I am older and not familiar with how to do a lot of things and their customer service was amazing and helped me with how to build my site step by step. The prices were within my budget as well and I am now able to maintain a website with my price range. WebStarts is a definite must.

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Sarah Jones, SAD
10 Rujna 2017
Webstarts Review

When their server malfunctioned, they lost most of the content on our site. As the employee at our company that built it was no longer with the company, it was not a matter of just reloading it. Basically, they lost our web site for us and we would have to pay someone to redo it. Not that their staff cared or offered any other option to help us when I called them.
When we were told the site would have to be recreated, we clearly and specifically told their person on the phone to cancel our Webstarts service. And yet, two months later, they went ahead and charged our credit card for another year’s service.

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Kathy LaVanier, SAD
10 Rujna 2017
Webstarts Review

I have been a customer for 5 1/2 years. I have enjoyed talking with the guys as they helped me fix issues or questions I would have. I am pretty well versed in this website builder and find it seamless. If I want to add a new feature or looking for something more trendy, I refer to their YouTube videos. I am so impressed with the guys and the easy, worry and hassle free features, we actually have 4 websites through Webstarts now. I have also trained other less tech savvy individuals on how to update our websites with Webstarts. Webstarts was a huge provent from Microsoft!

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