Time to Complete Module: 1 hour
Last updated: 20 February 2025

Each module in this guide includes instructions for building a specific page based on a sample design created by our Wix expert (Portfolio Website, Digital Agency, Local Business). You can switch to an alternative version of this module by clicking a different design in the left sidebar under “Alternative Designs.“
4.1 Contact Form

- Undock all margins from the container and set them to 0.
- Set the container’s width to 1080px.
- Apply an advanced CSS grid to the container.
- Apply a 2×1 layout to the container.

- Set the horizontal gap between rows to 20px.
- Remove the background from the container.
- Stretch the upper and lower sides of the container to 440px.

- Set the container’s behavior to auto.
- Drag a container element into the left-side column.
- Set all margins to 0.
- Set the container’s width and height to 100%.

- Set the container’s background color to a soft blue (#F9FDFF HEX).
- Set the corner radius to 20px.
- Set the inner padding for the container to 20px.

- Set all margins to 0.
- Set the image’s width and height to 100%.
- Set the upper padding for the overall section to a 50px scale.
- Go back to the “About” page and copy the text stack from the hero section.
- Paste the text stack into the left-side column.
- Drag the edges of the text stack so it fits inside the column.

- Set the font size of the heading to 32px.
- Set the font size of the paragraph to 16px.
- Replace the text with a heading and brief intro for this contact form.

- Go to the “Add Elements” menu, then “Embed & Social,” and “Social Bars.” Drag one of the available social bars inside the text stack

- Set the bottom padding for the paragraph text below the header to a 30px scale.
- Click on the social bar and select “Set Social Links” in the pop-up menu.
- Change the link below each icon to your social media profile.

- Remove any social links you don’t want to include.

- Click on the “done” button once you’ve included all the social links you want.
- If you want to change the icons’ size and spacing, click on the social icons and then on the segmented page icon on the pop-up menu to open the “Social Bar Layout” menu. We left them as is.

- Set the vertical gap for the container to 30px.
- Go to the “Add Elements,” then “Contact & Forms,” and then “Create New Form.” Then, select “Create New Form” and drag the element into the bottom row.

- On the contact form dashboard, add “First name,” “Last name,” and “Email” fields to the form.
- Scroll down to “Choices” and then select “Dropdown.”

- Click on the three dots next to the field title and toggle on “hide field title.”

- Toggle “Default view” on and replace the placeholder text.
- Add the different offered services under “Options.”

- Add a long answer field.
- Click on the three dots icon next to the field title and select “Hide field title.”
- Toggle “Placeholder text” and change the placeholder to “Leave us a message…”
- Hide the field title for all other fields and insert the title as placeholder text.

- Narrow the “submit” button and center it.

- Still in the form dashboard, select the “My Form” option.

- Change the form name to “Contact page form.”
- Select “Save” and exit the form dashboard.
- Set the location in grid cells for the form to the bottom row.

- Set all margins to 0.
- Set the form’s width to 100%.
- Set the “Min W” to “none” and the height to “auto.”
- Click on the form and select “Settings” on the pop-up menu.
- Head to “Design” and then “Form Background.” Set the fill color opacity to 0.

- Back on “Design,” head over to “Form Fields.” Change the fill color to a blueish gray (#F5F5F7 HEX).
- Set the corner radius to 5px.
- Set the border color to the same gray.
- Set the “checked option color” to a slight pink (#D88EEA HEX).
- Change the “link text color” to the same pink.
- Head back to “Design” and then “Buttons.” Then select “Submit Button.”
- Change the input style to the rounded, filled button.

- Set the button color to an easy teal (#C94001 HEX).
- Set the border color opacity to 100% and the border color to the same teal.
- Set the font color to a soft gray (#5E718D HEX).
- Set the border width to 1px.
- Scroll back up to change the submit button’s behavior when hovering.
- Set the color on hover to the same teal (#B9E8F2 HEX).
- Set the button opacity on hover to 70%.
- Set the text color on hover to the same soft gray (#5E718D HEX).
- Set the border color to the same teal and its opacity to 70%.
Adapt for Tablet and Mobile Views
Step 1: Adapt for tablet view. On tablet view:- Set the width for the container within the section to 720px.
- Change the container’s layout to 1×2.

- Set the vertical gap between rows to 30px.
- Set the behavior of the bottom row to a 400px scale.
- Set the behavior of the top row to auto.
- Set the inner padding for the container to 20px.
- Set the vertical gap between rows for the container on the top row to 30px.
- Set the padding below the paragraph text to a 20px scale.
- Click on the social bar and then select the divided square icon on the pop-up menu to open the “Social Bar Layout” menu. There, change the icon size to 30px and
- the spacing to 15px.

- Set the corner radius for the top container to 20px.
- Set the corner radius for the image to 20px.
- Set the vertical gap for the overall container to 30px.
- Set the bottom row behavior (the one with the image) to 250px.
- Set the inner padding for the container on top to 20px.
- Set the bottom padding for the paragraph text to a 20px scale.
- On the “Social Bar Layout” menu, set the icon size to 25px and the spacing to 12px.
- Set the vertical gaps for the container on the top row to 30px.
- Set the corner radius for the container on the top row to 20px.
- Set the corner radius for the image to 20px.
4.2 Map

- Set the top and bottom padding for this section to a 50px scale.
- Head over to the “Add Elements,” “Contact & Forms,” and then “Maps.” Then drag a map element into the section.

- Click on the “Manage Location” option on the pop-up menu.

- Change the address below to your business’ address.
- Change the title to the name of your business.
- Select a map design on the inspector.

Adapt for Tablet and Mobile Views
Step 1: Adapt for tablet view. On tablet view:- Change the top and bottom padding for the section to 50px.
- Toggle “Advanced Settings” under “Size.” Set the map’s width to 100%.
- Set the map height to 250px.
- Set the top and bottom padding to 50px.