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Hostiso opiniones 2025 – ¿Qué dicen los usuarios?

Gwen Rodgers Escrito por: Gwen Rodgers

Con una red global de baja latencia, Hostiso te permite desplegar servidores optimizados cercanos a tus clientes. Puedes elegir entre servidores en Buffalo, Londres, Sidney, Frankfurt, Roubaix y Montreal. Antes de tomar una decisión final, deberías echar un vistazo a los económicos planes de Hostinger.

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Visión general ofrece una serie de soluciones de hosting, como hosting compartido y servidores dedicados, junto con un servicio de atención al cliente y una seguridad inigualables. Ha alojado a miles de clientes de todo el mundo desde 2010.

Características y facilidad de uso

Con Hostiso recibirás todas las características de hosting estándar junto con la mejor seguridad frente a ataques DDoS. Las características y funciones típicas que ofrece incluyen:

  • SSL y dominio gratuitos
  • HM y cPanel
  • Softaculous
  • PHP 5.6 y superior
  • Equipamiento de red redundante
  • Asistencia 24/7
  • PostgreSQL y WMariaDB
  • Apache y CentOS

Sé de algunos servicios de hosting que afirman ofrecer una ganartía SLA de uptime del 99,99%, pero en la práctica no es así. Hostiso ha invertido en hardware sólido con equipamiento de red redundante, algo que les permite ofrecer un uptime sin fallo alguno. Sus equipos Intel Xeon E3 estables vienen con núcleos de CPU 4C/4T y 3,2GHz de potencia de procesamiento y 2 TB de HDD o 2x450GB SSD de almacenamiento.

Si hay algo que me guste de Hostiso es que ofrece activación instantánea. Una vez haces un pedido y pagas, tu servidor estará operativo en minutos. Eso significa que puedes lanzar tus servicios web por todo el mundo en menos de una hora. Su red de baja latencia y gran ancho de banda viene con una capacidad dedicada de 100 Gbit que puede lidiar con un tráfico enorme. También puedes, si lo deseas, solicitar routing personalizado. Siempre hay ingenieros de redes competentes a tu disposición para ayudarte.

Con el hosting compartido obtienes cPanel, dominio gratuito, SSL, copias de respaldo, asistencia premium con ancho de banda ilimitado y dominios alojados ilimitados. Eso no es todo.  También obtienes CDN gratuito y direcciones IP en múltiples ubicaciones. Puedes extender o escalar tus recursos web, específicamente ancho de banda y espacio de almacenamiento, aumentando tu plan.

Hostiso Overview

¿Eres consciente de que tus servidores podrían recibir ataques constantes? Hostiso ofrece seguridad de servidor avanzada junto con protección frente a ataques DDoS no sólo para tu dirección IP sino para todos tus productos sin coste adicional. En caso de darse un ataque DDoS XOR o Spoofed SYN, la empresa redirigirá tu red para que tus servidores no están colapsados.  Su hosting dedicado viene con una capacidad de mitigación de 500 Gbit. También: Tus servidores se encuentran en un complejo de nivel 4 a prueba de incendios e inundaciones con protección 24/7.

Precios y asistencia

Hostiso ofrece planes de hosting adecuados para empresas con misiones críticas. Su paquete introductorio, el lpan Basic, viene con dominios ilimitados, 100GB de almacenamiento RAID y ancho de banda ilimitado. Es adecuado para webs personales con tráfico medio.  El plan Business, el paquete más popular, incluye ancho de banda ilimitado, dominios ilimitados y 500GB de almacenamiento RAID. Este plan es ideal para webs de empresas grandes con muchísimo tráfico.

Si necesitas almacenamiento y dominios ilimitados además de ancho de banda ilimitado y ayuda remota, podría interesarte el plan Pro. Es adecuado para gestión de contenido de grandes empresas. Además de hosting compartido, Hostiso también ofrece soluciones de hosting personalizadas para empersas que requieran servidores de alto rendimiento seguros y redundantes.

Los tres planes de hosting incluyen un SSL gratuito y un instalador de aplicaciones. Puedes pagar mensualmente o anualmente. Si lo deseas, puedes extender tus recursos web con complementos como Spamtrawler Protection, una dirección IP dedicada, Cloudflare Pro y SSL premium por unos dólares más.

Hostiso hace un gran trabajo ofreciendo asistencia 24/7 a sus clientes. Tiene un equipo de asistencia competente y amistoso que puede ayudarte a configurar tus servidores correctamente, actualizar tu software y monitorizar el rendimiento.  Puedes contactar con ellos a través de chat o de su portal de tickets. Las respuestas a los tickets suelen tardar entre 15 minutos y 1 hora. Si necesitas ayuda solucionando un problema del servidor, puedes contar con que harán su trabajo rápido.


¿Cómo se compara Hostiso con sus competidores?

1HostingerCompararNuestra puntuación4.9Comparar
1IONOSCompararNuestra puntuación4.9Comparar
1HostisoCompararNuestra puntuación4.2Comparar
1OVHcloudCompararNuestra puntuación3.4Comparar

Reseña sobre Hostiso: Conclusión

Hostiso ofrece hosting dedicado a empresas y soluciones de hosting compartido con una seguridad de altísimo nivel, además de soporte linux excepcional.


  • Garantía de uptime de la red del 99%
  • Servidores totalmente gestinoados
  • Copia de respaldo periódica
  • Asistencia 24/7


  • Ayuda remota limitada
  • Respuestas a emails lentas
Gwen Rodgers Gwen Rodgers
Gwen es una desarrolladora web e ingeniera informática a la que le encanta perderse en JavaScript (y un buen libro). Pasa su tiempo libre enseñando a chicas a programar y haciendo yoga al sol en su balcón.
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Outstanding customer support

I was recommended Hostiso by another freelance consultant, primarily for their GDPR-friendly EU hosting servers. I was happily surprised to find the quality of support from Hostiso is exceptional! Really helpful, friendly, fluent-English chat support, with no waiting time. For someone like me who is not particularly tech-literate, the service from Hostiso has been a huge bonus. I've now moved another website to them. Prices seem very reasonable by industry averages too. Thanks today to Mike for her excellent support!

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Andy Green, Gran Bretaña
14 de Febrero de 2024
5 Stars times 5!!!!!!!!

Immediately after signing with Hostiso Hosting they went to work migrating my sites and bringing my sites up to the current level of hosting technology. I am not a power user. However, the Hostiso Hosting team had the expertise to quickly resolve any issues and have my sites running at levels of speed, and performance I did not have before. I can not say enough about the professionalism, skill, and patience of the Hostiso Hosting Team!

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Mirko, Bosnia y Herzegovina
02 de Febrero de 2023
Great… *when* it works, but support is mediocre

I purchased a VPS with Hostiso from a recommendation. The support is ok sometimes and clearly unhelpful and terse otherwise. The claim of 24/7 support is a lie. I recently attempted to move a domain to a Hostiso VPS and it has been the worst experience of my 25 year IT career. The techs write very short responses that frequently leave me feeling like the problem is my fault. Even it it was, they are supposed to be there to ensure that things work. After 3 days of pulling my hair out and trying to get their help, I'm still stuck with 2 sites that are intermittently available and all the techs have to say is that they don't see any problems... even though I've provided them with almost a dozen reports (screenshots and web service tools) that prove the sites are down a great deal of the time. I'm deeply disappointed, because when things work, they work well.

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Jalen Seguin, Canadá
22 de Febrero de 2022
Great support and services!

I purchased a Small VPS with Hostiso a few weeks ago, mainly because of the excellent value for these servers. After a couple weeks with no issues whatsoever, I renewed for a further three years so I'm now paid up for four years. Can't fault the service, it's excellent and perfect for my needs. I've had minimal contact with support, and when I have spoken with them, they have always been fast and friendly - and also quite quick to respond. If you're looking for a great price on a storage VPS, I doubt you'll find anyone on the web with a better price than Hostiso. I look forward to storing my data with them for many, many years to come. Highly recommended!

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Mirko S, Bosnia y Herzegovina
14 de Enero de 2022
This company is Scam

I ordered unmanaged VPS which is advertised as 3.5Ghz CPU intel, I checked specs and I found out they have 2Ghz AMD CPU. BIOS updated last time in 2014. And customer services just told me I can cancel my service if I am not happy with it. They are like a joke. I've been talking to them by opening tickets and it is like you talk to someone who doesn't even work for that company or who is swimming in a money pool and owns that company. They talk like they don't even care about you and doing business with you. There was a guy called Tito B. Lol I have never seen any customer services like that ever before. He was like a joke... I told him that I wanna talk to his supervisor and he told me he is a supervisor. And my question was asking their uptime and instead of giving a number he just told me that I am using unmanaged VPS and my configuration can cause my server down and I cannot blame them... bla bla bla... I was shocked because of his manner. Then he said they have 99% network uptime. I have read many reviews online and I even came across people who were complaining about hosting companies who got out of service for days because of their maintenance work or other working reasons... Therefore, anyone who reads this review should be very careful with this hosting... If you are looking for a long-term service like me, I can tell you this might be not for you. I will cancel my order and go somewhere else. Because I don't know what would I get from this company one year later... I am very disappointed...

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Gokhan Duman, Turquía
30 de Abril de 2021
Shockingly bad support

Their guys are just thick and very rude. Nothing else to say One line email responses almost telling you FO Site latency was quite noticeable and my developers had challenges communicating with their team. Strongly recommend avoiding them

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Maksym Lebedyev, Gran Bretaña
25 de Octubre de 2019
Top web host to deal with – Big Respect to Hostiso

Their free migration service is a real bonus, freeing up my time to do other things whilst they migrate my current websites across to their servers. Hostiso are so good at what they do I felt compelled to write this testimonial, which doesn't happen often. Well done to the entire team. Keep doing what you're doing and I will remain a customer for life.

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Modesto Thibodaux, EUA
17 de Octubre de 2018
Perfect Support.

First time purchasing a domain and hosting, but have found Hostiso easy to navigate, easy to use, and whenever I haven't been able to figure anything out, the customer support has been top notch! The Hostiso customer support is fast, responsive, and friendly, each time I've contacted them they've been able to quickly solve my issue or easily explain what I needed to do, in language I was able to understand, which is crucially important for a new like me.

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Jacob Sorensen, Bosnia y Herzegovina
22 de Septiembre de 2018
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