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JustHost-anmeldelse 2025 – Hvorfor så mange blandede anmeldelser?

Lucas Turner Skrevet af: Lucas Turner

Ubegrænset e-mails & ubegrænset lager
Gratis domæne & hurtig opsætning + 1 klik installering
24/7 netværks overvågning & support

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Simpel og grundlæggende måde at få hosting

JustHost er søsterfirma til BlueHost, som overvejende henvender sig til medium store organisationer. JustHost er en billig og relativ pålidelig web host, som tilbyder simple løsninger til hjælp for små og mellemstore virksomheder, så de kan blive en del af World Wide Web.

Den mest økonomiske JustHost hosting pakke inkluderer ubegrænset båndbredde og e-mail konti, ubegrænset domæne hosting, ubegrænset dataoverførsel, gratis side builder og support 24/7.

Hvis det ikke bidrager nok, til at træffe en beslutning, så tilbyder JustHost også en pengene tilbage garanti, hvis du ikke er tilfreds med servicen.

Hvorfor vælge JustHost?

  • Billige pakker
  • Ubegrænset båndbredde/Domæner/E-mails
  • Gratis domæne registrering
  • Pengene tilbage garanti

Vil du vide om JUSTHOST er den rette for dig?
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JustHost konti komme fyldt med funktioner

Alle web hosts prøver at tiltrækkedig med noget virkeligt specielt, og JustHost er ingen undtagelse. Deres liste af ubegrænsede tilbud inkluderer diskplads, domæne hosting, e-mail konti, underdomæner, osv. Dertil kommer at JustHost giver dig fine funktioner som Hotlink beskyttelse, webside statistik, spam assassin beskyttelse, flere kodningsmuligheder med mere.

Med en uptime på 99,5%, så falder JustHost lige en anelse under hvad de fleste hosting virksomheder på markedet lover. Men, de tilbyder denne statistik som en gennemskuelig måde at sige ”ærlighed er vores bedste politik”. Måske overdriver andre hosting virksomheder på uptime, men uanset, opererer generelt omkring 99,98%, så du er i sikre hænder, at dømme ud fra JustHost præstationer.

Serverne hos JustHost data centre overvåges alle 24/7, og har et nødsystem til strøm, afkøling og 10GB forbindelse. Alt i alt, du får meget god værdi for pengene.

Hvis du planlægger at tjene penge med din webside, så kan JustHost være en meget god løsning. Deres pakke inkluderer CMS platforme, som er lige til at installere for blogs, projektstyringsværktøjer, e-Commerce løsninger og mange andre gratis scripts. Der er virkeligt nemt at skabe en fin webside med JustHost.

Nem at bruge

Justhost signup

En smule forvirrende for nybegyndere

Tilmeldings-/opsætningsprocessen er relativt ligetil, uden at de prøver at skubbe for mange add-ons på dig ved udtjek. Hele siden føles en smule generisk, og medmindre du ved hvad du laver, så kan du hurtigt blive frustreret eller fare vild.

JustHost bruger cPanel, en Unix-baseret brugerflade, som er populær blandt mange web hosting virksomheder. Panelet selv er pakket med forskellige optimerings-/tilpasningsmuligheder i enhver kategori. Men, mange af disse er services der skal betales ekstra for, så det er nødvendig at udforske lidt, for at finde ud af hvad der er inkluderet allerede med pakken.

  • CPanel fyldt med tilbud
  • Kan være forvirrende for nybegyndere
  • Et-tryk installering for applikationer som WordPress
  • Ikke for mange forslag ved tilmelding

Justhost cpanel


Justhost support

JustHost svarer dine opkald

JustHost tilbyder en række forskellige måder at kontakte dem på: Via telefonen 24/7, chat, e-mail (support billet), og forums. Teknisk relateret telefonopkald svares hurtigt. Video hjælpe center har ikke et ton af videoer, så det er ikke så omfattende som deres mere udviklede konkurrenter; mange videoer i videns basen er ”under opdatering”. Men, supportløsningerne sikrer at du kan tilgå support når du har behov for at løse et problem, som måtte dukke op.

  • Video vejledninger – omkring 30
  • 24/7 telefon/Live Chat/E-mail
  • Forum – begrænset
  • Support Center
  • SEO og opsætningshjælp – begrænset
  • No Blog


God værdi for kun 3,95 dollars pr. måned

Det er her JustHost slår sin søster, BlueHost – få betydelige rabatter ved køb af blot et år af gangen, i modsætning til 2/3 års kontrakter, som typisk tilbydes af de fleste virksomheder. Dette, kombineret med en et år gratis domænenavn, gør JustHost meget attraktiv og omkostningseffektiv.

Registreringsproceduren er ganske gennemskuelig, du får ikke nogen overbetaling og bonusser afvinklet for dig. En anden god ting er pengene tilbage garantien, som efterlader dig med domæne, men ikke returnerer nogen ekstra serviceomkostninger, som opsætningsgebyrer, som ikke faktureres regelmæssigt.


Hvordan klarer JustHost sig sammenlignet med konkurrenterne?

1HostingerSammenlignVores score4.9Sammenlign
1IONOSSammenlignVores score4.9Sammenlign
1SammenlignVores score4.3Sammenlign
1OVHcloudSammenlignVores score3.4Sammenlign

JustHost-anmeldelse: Konklusionen

JustHost ligner i udseende og funktioner sin søstervirksomhed, BlueHost. Det giver mening, da de begge ejes af den samme virksomhed. Men, JustHost giver ikke virksomhedsinformationer på sin blog, informerer og forsikrer sine kunder. Men, hvis du er teknisk funderet og ved hvad du laver, så kan JustHost være en fornuftig og omkostningseffektiv udbyder til en mere end rimelig pris.

Et antal løsninger, som er lavet klar, gør denne web host virksomhed ideel for både små og store e-Commerce projekter, inkluderet blogs, online shops, reklame sider, eller opstarter i de tidlige stadier af udvikling. JustHosts stærke support og en række tekniske funktioner, kan vedligeholde din side godt, og opnå gode præstationer.


  • Gode rabatter, der begynder ved 1-års kontrakter
  • Gratis domæne for et år
  • Ubegrænset diskplads/e-mails/underdomæner
  • Til enhver tid pengene tilbage garanti


  • Få virksomhedsinformationer kan gøre nogen utilpasse
  • Ikke meget gør-det-selv support

Kan du lide Justhost anmeldelse? Besøg Justhost.
Lucas Turner Lucas Turner
Lucas er fuldtids webudvikler. Han fungerer som en essentiel del af skabelsen af forskellige startups, fra test af koncept til opnåelse af positioner som markedsledere.
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Just a Ripoff; Just Avoid at All Costs

Once upon a time, my website was hosted by ehost. I got good service and a good price for webhosting from ehost. When I updated my website by ftp, it always worked. Then ehost was bought by JustHost. My hosting was transferred. The initial rate was OK. However, the service was never good. More on that below. When renewal time came up again, I got a notice from JustHost that I was going to be charged A LOT to renew the webhosting. The notice from JustHost came after they charged me in advance for the next term of hosting. I was thinking of winding down the website anyway. This was the time. I called JustHost customer service to cancel the account. I spoke to a helpful young woman who cheerfully cancelled the service for me and told me I would receive a refund of the advance charge for the next erm of hosting. I checked my credit card records the next day and the refund had registered. I thought: Job done! Great! A month later, reviewing my credit card charges, I noticed that JustHost had charged me again, the very next day after the refund had registered. At this point, I disputed the charge with my credit card company (if I called customer service again, why would I think they wouldn’t just charge me again after issuing a refurnd?). In the end, JustHost had the nerve to trot out Terms of Service to justify charging me back. On page (29) of the fine print you “signed” 6 years ago, you agreed to notify us within X days of your renewal date (better give yourself an Outlook reminder now!). You missed that date by 2 days, so you owe the full rental for the next 3 years. (You have read every line of your terms of service, haven’t you?) Since my email had crashed in the meanwhile, I couldn’t provide email documentation of the interactions with JustHost and they prevailed. I can only think that this company is spinning around the drain and their business strategy has devolved to screwing dissatisfied customers as they exit. Horrible company. Avoid at all costs. In addition: The service level was bad. My website only required updating a couple of times per year. But it seemed that every time I tried to update it, it didn’t work. The updated files transferred by ftp (it looked to me as if it had worked); but the updates were never “visible” to the outside world on my website. I would call and eventually they would sort it out. They kept moving my files in their system and the connection to the outside internet was lost. I always got snarky emails from their service, in the vein of can’t you figure this out, silly person? It was also time-consuming. This wasn’t my first rodeo: I’d been using ftp to update my website for over a decade with other companies.

James, USA
12 December 2024
Do NOT host with JustHost

I ended up with these fools after having problems with my previous webhost. As soon as I signed up, the company I left bought them, and everything was crap, again. I got my site functioning using one of the developer tools they provided (b/c WordPress sucks) called Concrete. It was as close to raw HTML as I could get (allowed me to toggle to code and build what I wanted). Site was working perfectly for 4 years until it was time to renew. I upgraded so that I would have unlimited storage space, which migrated me to a new server. Suddenly my site doesn't work. Contact support and get, and I'm not making this up, "the web files are incorrect" as an explanation. That's it. "We're unable to provide more support as we do not support that product." After three days of calls and chats, they determined they would restore from an earlier, working version. They have, allegedly, done that (received an e-mail asking for authorization and more info, which I provided, but never received any confirmation that they got my response). Finally gave up and decided to rebuild the site using WordPress (which still sucks), and struggled to make anything work (I've been building my own computers and websites since the late 90s, so this is not because I am a novice). Literally EVERY support link or resource link I click on their site (including Why Us? and Guarantees) returns a 404 page. This is not a new issue -- it was the case when I first tried to use Wordpress after first moving to JustHost. Contacted support and was told, again, this is a direct quote, "Thank you for letting me know. The tips and tutorials are no working for now as there is known issues." No stuff, really? Tech rep apologized about 74 times, but could provide me no information, no time-table, and when I asked for the business contact to get a refund, only more apologies but no info. What scam. Take the money you were going to spend on a JustHost site, light it on fire, punch yourself in the face six times and save the weeks of aggravation. I wish I could give zero stars.

1 avatar
Thom, USA
20 Februar 2024
Avoid like the plague

Been with Justhost over 15 years and… Been with Justhost over 15 years and they were brilliant, recently all our business emails stopped functioning, unknown to me,my clients were not recieving my emails and thought I was ignoring them. I lost thousands of pounds in lost business and some clients took their business elsewhere. Having contact support through webchat, I was informed it was my SPF records and that they have fixed them and wait 48 hours to propagate, all will be fine which it wasn't, all in all I spent almost 12 hours on and off to approx 10 members off support who had me answer the same questions over and over, giving the same cut and paste answers and that they have just changed my SPF records and give it another 48 hours. When I try and explain this is 4 time they have done this you get an answer such as "Glad we could help, please answer our questionnaire". I rang their support line in the US which is directed to the Philippines which cost me £60.00 for 20 minutes but found the same old I have just updated your SPF records and wait 48 hours, they don't care my business was being seriously affected. I had a local IT company look at my settings and within 2 minutes they explained that my emails were being routed incorrectly and they sorted it out within 1 minute. I am in the process of having my website and emails transferred to the local company that helped me out or I would still be in the same sorry situation. Avoid this company like the plague... Reading other reviews, I will make sure they are not able to take funds from my account come renual date. What a shambles

1 avatar
Christopher P, USA
08 Februar 2024
A Terrible Hosting Service with Terrible Support

JustHost (BlueHost) as they claim now provide very terrible hosting service and have email deliverability issues meaning your emails will never get to gmail, yahoo etc. When you report, Justhost will lie about checking it and tell oyu it will be fixed in 48 to 72 hours. But in a month and more there will still be no resolution on this. Worst case is they hide behind their poor live chat support and refuse attending to you via email. They have very terrible customer support agents who don't understand the issues and drift from one random unrelated excuses to another. They would even refuse to escalate when you clearly know they are confused about your query. Justhost deserve a class action against them and I hope other customer will come together and file a joint action. They are very terrible host.

1 avatar
Timi, Nigeria
07 December 2023
Empty Promises

Take your money elsewhere. Despite the multiple issues I've experienced such as server downtime, the site being slow/offline for about a month, I stupidly when to upgrade to a PRO server because it was "cheaper" given the services I'm paying for. The migration is slow, the support staff just keeps telling me to wait a few hours without resolving the issue, after contacting them multiple times, they escalated and asked me to "wait 24-48 hours" for the issue to resolve. And they "guarantee" that it will be resolved by then. When asked what happens if it isn't resolved by then, they said I can send them another email. Speaking to them is time consuming and frustrating, and issues take a long time and multiple times. They will keep using the delay tactic until you insist they resolve the solution before you leave. Overall, just don't. And if you are already a client, then you will have probably experienced the same issues. And if you are feeling lazy to migrate... just do it. It's not worth the energy and time.

Alex Wong, Singapore
27 Marts 2021
Just Don’t

I was using the normal from Justhost for like a year..always problems...always from the support the problems were from my end...I said okay I am not a developer they know I upgraded to VPS... nothing changed...again same problems...I think they have like 35% you are a really tiny company with 10 visitors per month use them they are cheap and okay...if you have more than 100 visitors per day just look elsewhere...

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Tim Cook, USA
04 Februar 2021
DON’T DO IT! no stars

Continual issue with some servers rejecting justhost when sending email such as hotmail and outlook. Have wasted a lot of time (on more than one occasion and time is money) working with justhost technical assistant (sometimes over an hour) through a host of questions and answers, with long pauses between (sometimes 15 minutes!) only for the technical assistant you are working with to suddenly disappear (just gone!) and have to start over again with a new agent and bringing them up to speed on all of the issues, questions and answers again.

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Linda Payeur, Canada
11 Juni 2020
You can do so much better

I used Just Host 2 years. I should have moved sooner. They are a nightmare to deal with when you need help and they're very expensive. I just moved my website and domain and saved a lot of money. My new host responds intelligently and quickly. I suggest you shop around. You can do so much better than Just Host

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Charmayne Danton, USA
09 Juni 2020
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