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Online Business Lessons From 1330+ Clients And 12 Years by iPT Founder Daniel Salcumbe

Online Business Lessons From 1330+ Clients And 12 Years by iPT Founder Daniel Salcumbe

Roberto Popolizio Written by:
In this interview series by Website Planet, I talk to executives from the best digital companies, who share their stories, tips and perspectives on what it really takes to create a successful website and online business.

A deep dive into decades of hands-on experience and technical expertise to learn untold truths and practical advice that will immediately help you build and grow your website.

Our guest today is Daniel Salcumbe, founder of My Personal Trainer Website & Institute of Personal Trainers.

Dan completed his PT course in 2011 and started his first business without any help. Since then he’s built multiple businesses in and out of the fitness industry and helped thousands of personal trainers save thousands of dollars (and hours) per year on their own businesses with iPT while My Personal Trainer Website has become one of the world’s top personal trainer website design and fitness marketing companies with 1330 customers to date.

What pain point(s) do you solve for your customers? What was the “aha Moment” that led to the idea? Can you share that story with us?

The main issue we solve involves bridging the technology gap that most personal trainers have when it comes to creating an online presence. To do this we created a tonne of business courses and resources that teach personal trainers how to build a business. These courses act as a lead magnet for our main services. Marketing software and website design services.

“My biggest achievement is building out my business systems in such a way that afforded me the time to raise and homeschool my two children.”

What do you think makes your company stand out? What are you most proud of?

Our value first approach is definitely what defines us. We give all of the information a personal trainer might need to get set up and even the info they need to succeed without our service if they so choose. This gets us a lot of word of mouth marketing which means we haven’t had to use ads in all of our 12 years in business.

My Personal Trainer Website offers the safest possible way to get a professional personal trainer website: A full refund + no-contract policy. If you aren’t happy with the design or copy of your website before publishing it, and they can’t fix it or find a compromise, you will get a 100% refund.

“I was desperate for help after finishing my PT exams. I felt like there were a lot of gaps in my knowledge. The iPT has provided me with useful information, structure, and a place to get more help when needed.”
Catherine Reohorn, Personal Trainer

If there were one part of the website development process you would have spent 50% more time on, what would it be and why? What made you realize the importance of this step?

User experience is probably the most underrated part of the process. It encompasses knowing your ideal client, what they need to see in order to become a lead and of course SEO and how they might find you online.

What’s the one key lesson you’ve learned about building a website and business that you wish you knew when you started? What’s the story behind this realization?

A good looking website does not equal a profitable website. The traffic (ideally well targeted) and the offer are the most important aspects of a successful website.

I learned this by revisiting a client’s website around a year after finishing the build. The website looked terrible. However, when I checked his form entries to resolve an issue he emailed me to fix, I saw he had thousands of leads. As I traced his funnel back, I realized he had an amazing offer and he was sending very targeted ads to it.

Want two examples of ugly websites that are successful and profitable?

  1. Craigslist
    a very simple, “ugly” design since the launch in 1995. However, it is one of the top 100 most visited websites globally and generates great revenue.
  2. Reddit
    Known for its “bad” and outdated design, but also 7th most visited website worldwide with an estimated 5.2 billion monthly visits. Only in the first quarter of 2024, Reddit generated $243 million in revenue.

What are the most common mistakes you have seen people making when building their website and online business? What can be done to avoid those errors?

For service based businesses, not showing your pricing can be a huge mistake. Usually a service based business had a brochure site which means the website visitor is there to see one or more of the following:
  • Competence (can the business do a good job?)
  • Convenience (is it easy to get started or complete the job?)
  • Cost (how much will I need to invest?)
  • Character (who will I be working with?)
💡 If you can’t show pricing, show a price range.

What strategy has been particularly effective in growing your website audience this year?

Investing in a writing company to take care of our website content and create a consistent strategy. The amount of time needed to invest in content took away from the time I could spend on the business. While I could do this myself for the first 1-5 years in business because I had time, it got more and more difficult until I eventually started missing content deadlines. I should have outsourced this sooner and not doing so ended up being an expensive lesson.

If I asked you to share the key ingredient in your “secret sauce” for inbound marketing, what would it be?

Keep it personal.

I love systems. They give me the freedom to raise my kids and spend time with my wife and dogs. But the best systems replace back end business tasks, not the front end, client facing tasks.

Keep your business personal and always have a personal point of contact for every client.

How can our readers follow your work?

Website: www.instituteofpersonaltrainers.com

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