Can you give us a brief overview of AI Detector Pro as a company?
AI Detector Pro launched in February 2023. We started with AI text detection but are keeping pace with market developments. The next big thing in AI is going to be AI-generated code. It’s what OpenAI, Google, and Meta have publicly signaled as being the Next Big Thing. We released AI Detector Pro Code, an AI code detection product, to match that development. My co-founder and CTO, Raj, developed our AI text detector to identify whether his SEO subcontractors were providing him AI content for one of his content websites. He put the earliest version of AI Detector Pro on that website, and it quickly became the most popular part of the website. He asked me to join as his co-founder because of my experience in marketing and business. When we formally launched, we generated our first sale in 15 minutes. I focus on marketing and business; he runs our technology strategy. AI Detector Pro is still growing quickly. Last year, we added a lot of new languages and editing features that our customers had asked us to build.What are some of the most common signs that can tell us that a certain text is AI-generated?
There are some big ones, but the biggest one is that the writing is pedestrian. Unfortunately, this is why innocent students are false-flagged without an updated AI Detector, like ours. Some clues are frequently occurring words, and the writing seems “distant” as it lacks personalization. You risk factual mistakes and eyeball detection using AI, so AI detection is still relevant. For example, the Washington Post wrote an article a year ago with an admissions essay written by AI. It sounds well-composed at a very superficial level, but the admissions consultant they hired to analyze it noticed many of the same things we do. ChatGPT introduced sentences and characters and then just dropped them. Perhaps the biggest clue for me is that if you put it in front of a person who is an expert in the subject, they will be able to recognize the source material. I tried writing a recipe with it to see how good it was and instantly recognized it as being Alison Roman’s The Cookie recipe, thinly disguised. Our tool catches AI writing and forces you to take a second look. It was inevitable that OpenAI would learn how to improve its AI writing, so these days, I’m having a more challenging time with instant recognition. If you want to know, I suggest running an AI detection report. I recommend AI Detector Pro! I strongly suggest that people do not submit AI-generated content without transparency. It’s fine as a research tool, which is how people should use it.How do you detect it and help your clients transform it into a human-sounding text?
Our detection algorithms are proprietary. We change them daily. The first year was tough because we were just a tiny startup, and it felt like we were waking up to new updates and technologies every day. My friends still text me almost daily, saying, “Have you seen this? Have you seen that? How does it affect your company?” It’s so amazing that people care. I got about 10 texts on DeepSeek after it made a splash in the media. Additionally, we’ve developed a paraphraser to give our customers a starting point, similar to any product that helps with content. It includes highlighting which words are the most “AI” – and providing some suggestions on how they can rewrite the sentence with a confidence meter. The customer can use as much or as little of the paraphraser as they want. We also built in a feature that shows people, in a graph, how robotic their content would sound to the human ear.What additional/supplementing features do you offer?
We offer multiple languages: Spanish, Portuguese, German, Arabic, and French. We launched foreign languages last year, a significant growth driver. We launched plug-ins for Google and Microsoft a long time ago, in 2023. However, our most recently launched supplementary feature is our Documents feature, which lets you keep all your formatting intact while performing AI scans and rewrites. Keeping formatting intact is a massive help to professional writers. You don’t have to redo it whenever you finish editing your document; you can work on everything inside the AI Detector Pro platform. Recently, we finished up a real-time AI scanning feature. It will scan your content for AI as you type, so if you are editing AI content to personalize it, it is beneficial. We have also launched a separate product, AI Detector Pro Code, for detecting AI in software source code.What pricing plans do you offer and what are the differences between them?
We are a SaaS company offering affordable monthly and annual plans. The most significant difference right now is price and unused benefits. Our Basic Monthly plan gives you 103 AI reports monthly, but we offer rollovers for any reports you don’t use. If you don’t use those all up, unused reports will roll over to next month. However, you must keep your subscription current to keep your rollover credits. Also, we bundle detection with paraphrasing. Ultimately, we decided to follow what I learned in law school, the “average person” standard. The average person probably thinks of a single report as detection and paraphrasing. So, to answer your question, we are different in the market in terms of pricing. We offer bundled pricing and let you keep anything you don’t use. If you do the math, the Annual plans are the best value for the money, but sometimes, people don’t want to commit to a whole year upfront. We understand that, so we’ve made it flexible for anyone to start.What do you think the future holds for AI Detector Pro?
We continue to improve our first product to provide value, and we have a great brand in that market, but AI code detection will be a big part of our future. The writing is on the wall already. Both Google and Meta have made announcements to that effect. Google says they are already writing 25% of their code with AI. That’s not insignificant! Just because AI can write code, it can’t completely replace people. After all, ChatGPT has been out for a while now, and premium freelance SEO writers continue to hold on to their contracts. The freelance content writing market has adapted by requiring more transparency in content generation, and the AI code market will likely do the same. However, AI coding will be part of the future, and we think everyone should prepare themselves because the first peer-reviewed study shows that AI code is error-ridden, cumbersome, and vulnerable to cybersecurity issues. With AI Detector Pro, we launched just as interest in AI content became an issue everyone cared about. With AI code detection, we are early, but I think 2025 will be the year that Coding Assistants become a more significant part of the media conversation. Google kicked it off with that 25% announcement, and Zuckerberg said he wants to fire engineers and replace them with AI, so it’s inevitable that people will be talking about it more.To learn more about AI Detector Pro, you can visit