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  5. Lessons After Growing From $100 to Africa’s Fastest-Growing Company: Glemad CEO David Idris
Lessons After Growing From $100 to Africa’s Fastest-Growing Company: Glemad CEO David Idris

Lessons After Growing From $100 to Africa’s Fastest-Growing Company: Glemad CEO David Idris

Bethenny Carl Written by:
In this interview series, Website Planet is talking to executives from the best online businesses, who share their stories and unique tips to create a successful online business like they did.

Our guest today is David Idris, CEO of Glemad.

humble beginnings with a startup capital of $100 in Abuja, Nigeria, we have grown into a global leader, serving clients in more than 35 countries.

From a small team of three engineers, we have grown to over 100 experts, all dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the tech industry. Our recognition by prestigious entities like Corporate Vision, the Financial Times, Africa Prestige Award, and MEA Market as one of “Africa’s Fastest-Growing Companies 2022” and a recipient of the Global Business Award 2023, is a testament to our hard work and dedication.

To start, can you share a bit about who you are, your professional experience, and career achievements you are most proud of?

My name is David Idris, and I am a global business leader with a passion for innovation and technology. I currently serve as the founder and group CEO of Glemad Inc., a company I established in 2020. Since its inception, I have guided Glemad Inc. to achieve continuous commercial revenue growth by fostering strong partnerships with our customers and driving digital transformation initiatives.

My professional journey has been diverse and fulfilling. I am a senior cloud solution architect and software engineer, with a deep well of technical expertise that allows me to develop groundbreaking solutions to complex challenges. My background in these fields has been instrumental in my ability to lead and grow businesses.

One of the achievements I am most proud of is my ability to transform startups into successful enterprises. At Glemad Inc., we have not only achieved financial growth but also made a significant impact by helping businesses leverage the latest technologies to enhance productivity, increase efficiency, and drive growth. Working closely with business owners and C-level executives, I champion the democratization and scaling of digital experiences across all levels of an organization, from the boardroom to the factory floor.

Additionally, I have had the privilege of delivering numerous presentations that captivate and engage audiences, offering insights and provoking thoughtful discussions on various aspects of business and technology. My goal is always to inspire and motivate teams, helping them to realize their full potential and achieve remarkable outcomes.

With a track record of success and a keen understanding of the ever-evolving business landscape, I consider myself a visionary leader dedicated to guiding companies through the complexities of digital transformation. My insights and expertise are highly sought after, and I am honored to be recognized as a valuable asset to any organization looking to navigate the digital age.

What pain point(s) does your company solve for customers? What was the “aha Moment” that led to the idea? Can you share that story with us?

One of the main challenges businesses face today is the complexity of transitioning to modern, cloud-based systems. Our expertise in managing global enterprise systems allows us to guide clients smoothly through this transition, ensuring that they can leverage cloud technology effectively without disrupting their existing operations.

Another significant pain point is the need for an AI-powered core to drive agile digital growth. Many businesses struggle with integrating AI into their operations in a way that is both scalable and sustainable. We provide the tools and knowledge necessary to implement AI solutions that enhance productivity, improve efficiency, and foster innovation.

Additionally, we tackle the challenge of continuous improvement and skill development. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, keeping up with the latest technologies and trends is daunting. Our ecosystem facilitates ongoing learning and the transfer of digital skills, ensuring our clients are always at the forefront of technological advancements.

The “aha moment” for Glemad Inc. came during my tenure as a senior cloud solution architect and software engineer. I was working on several large-scale digital transformation projects and consistently observed a common theme: businesses were eager to modernize and leverage new technologies, but they lacked the expertise and guidance to do so effectively. They faced significant hurdles in understanding how to integrate these technologies into their existing systems, which often led to costly and inefficient implementations.

One particular project stands out in my memory:

I was working with a multinational corporation that was struggling to integrate AI into its operations. The company had invested heavily in AI technology but was not seeing the expected returns. It became clear that the issue was not the technology itself, but the lack of a comprehensive strategy and the necessary skills to implement it effectively.

This experience was a turning point. I realized that there was a tremendous need for a company that could not only provide advanced technological solutions but also offer the strategic guidance and continuous support necessary for successful implementation. This insight led to the founding of Glemad Inc. in 2020, with a mission to empower businesses globally to navigate their digital transformation journeys with confidence and agility.

Since then, we have dedicated ourselves to addressing these pain points and have helped clients in over 35 countries achieve remarkable success in their digital endeavors. Our commitment to collaboration, inclusiveness, and continuous improvement has been the cornerstone of our approach, and we are proud to make a meaningful impact through our work.

What do you think makes your company stand out? What are you most proud of?

First and foremost, our commitment to excellence and quality is unwavering. From our humble beginnings with a startup capital of $100 in Abuja, Nigeria, we have grown into a global leader, serving clients in more than 35 countries. This growth has been driven by our dedication to delivering exceptional service and innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

Our ability to transform complex, non-IT businesses through tailored digital solutions is another distinguishing factor. We specialize in making advanced technologies accessible and beneficial for organizations that may not have a strong technical background. This focus on customer-centric solutions ensures that our clients can achieve tangible business outcomes, such as enhanced performance, increased customer attraction, and sustained growth.

Additionally, our extensive expertise in managing global enterprise systems and guiding digital transformations powered by the cloud and AI sets us apart. We don’t just implement technology – we provide strategic guidance and ongoing support to ensure that our clients can fully leverage these advancements to drive agile digital growth and continuous improvement.

What I am most proud of is our ability to inspire and foster a culture of inclusiveness, collaboration, and continuous learning within our team. From a small team of three engineers, we have grown to over 100 experts, all dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the tech industry. Our recognition by prestigious entities like Corporate Vision, the Financial Times, Africa Prestige Award, and MEA Market as one of “Africa’s Fastest-Growing Companies 2022” and a recipient of the Global Business Award 2023, is a testament to our hard work and dedication.

Moreover, our strategic partnerships with over seven businesses have amplified our ability to deliver comprehensive development and infrastructure solutions. These collaborations enable us to provide end-to-end services that help midsized and large organizations navigate their digital transformation journeys seamlessly.

From your experience, what are the 5+ most important things to build a highly successful online business? Please explain each in detail.

1. Customer-Centric Approach

  • Research: Understand your target audience through market research.
  • User Experience (UX): Design intuitive, user-friendly interfaces.
  • Customer Support: Provide responsive, multi-channel support.
  • Feedback: Continuously improve based on customer feedback.

2. Strong Digital Presence

  • Website Quality: Develop a professional, mobile-friendly, secure website.
  • SEO and Content: Optimize for search engines and publish valuable content.
  • Social Media: Engage audiences and build brand awareness.
  • Email Marketing: Maintain customer relationships with targeted emails.

3. Robust Technology Infrastructure

  • E-commerce Platform: Choose a scalable, reliable platform.
  • Cloud Services: Utilize cloud computing for flexibility.
  • Security: Implement strong cybersecurity measures.
  • Analytics: Use analytics to track performance and make data-driven decisions.

4. Innovative Product or Service Offering

  • Differentiation: Highlight what sets you apart from competitors.
  • Quality: Ensure high standards and exceed customer expectations.
  • Adaptability: Innovate and respond to market trends and feedback.

5. Effective Marketing and Sales Strategies

  • Branding: Develop a strong, resonant brand identity.
  • Digital Advertising: Invest in online ads to reach a wider audience.
  • Conversion Optimization: Improve conversion rates with A/B testing and optimized landing pages.
  • Sales Funnel: Guide customers from awareness to purchase with a clear sales funnel.

6. Scalability and Flexibility

  • Operational Scalability: Ensure operations can handle growth.
  • Financial Planning: Manage growth with solid financial planning.
  • Partnerships: Form strategic partnerships to expand your market and offerings.

Which aspect of running a website tends to be most underestimated? Can you explain or give an example?

One of the most underestimated aspects of running a website is ongoing maintenance and updates. Many businesses focus heavily on the initial design and launch of their website but often overlook the importance of continuously maintaining and updating it.

Maintenance and Updates include tasks such as:

  1. Security Updates: Ensuring that the website’s software, plugins, and themes are up-to-date to protect against vulnerabilities and cyber threats.
  2. Content Updates: Regularly refreshing content to keep it relevant and engaging for visitors. This can also help with SEO, as search engines favor updated content.
  3. Performance Optimization: Regularly checking and optimizing the website’s performance to ensure fast loading times and smooth user experience.
  4. Bug Fixes: Identifying and fixing any bugs or issues that arise to ensure the website functions correctly.
  5. Backup Management: Regularly backing up the website to prevent data loss in case of a failure or attack.
For example, consider a small e-commerce business that launches a beautifully designed website…

Initially, the website attracts a lot of visitors, and sales are strong. However, over time, the business neglects to update the site’s software and plugins. Eventually, a security vulnerability is exploited by hackers, leading to a data breach. The website is also slow to load because performance optimization was never revisited after launch.

As a result, customers begin to lose trust in the business due to security concerns, and the slow website deters potential buyers, leading to a decline in sales. Additionally, search engines may start to rank the site lower due to poor performance and outdated content, further reducing visibility and traffic.

By underestimating the importance of ongoing maintenance and updates, the business faces significant financial and reputational damage. Regular maintenance could have prevented these issues and ensured the website remained secure, fast, and relevant, sustaining customer trust and engagement.

If there were one part of the website development process you would have spent 50% more time on, what would it be? What led you to this realization?

That would be user experience (UX) design. This realization came from noticing how critical a seamless and intuitive user experience is for user satisfaction and business success.


  1. Trust: A strong UX creates a positive first impression, encouraging users to stay and explore.
  2. Conversion Rates: Intuitive design reduces friction, improving conversion rates.
  3. Customer Retention: A great UX leads to higher satisfaction and repeat visits.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Investing in UX early reduces the need for costly redesigns later.
We experienced this firsthand with a project where the initial feedback indicated confusing navigation and hard-to-find features, leading to high bounce rates and low conversions. After redesigning the UX based on user feedback, engagement and conversions improved significantly. This highlighted the importance of prioritizing UX design from the beginning.

Reflecting on your experience, what is one piece of unconventional advice you would offer to someone looking to start an online business?

Embrace failure as a crucial learning opportunity. Instead of fearing setbacks, view them as chances to iterate, innovate, and gain valuable market insights. Failure builds resilience and can lead to breakthroughs that pave the way for long-term success. So, don’t shy away from risks—embrace them as part of the entrepreneurial journey toward achieving your goals.

What are the most common mistakes you have seen people making when starting and growing an online business? What can be done to avoid these errors?

The most common mistakes I’ve seen when starting and growing an online business include:

  1. Lack of Market Research: Not thoroughly understanding the target audience and their needs.
  2. Poor Planning and Strategy: Jumping into business without a clear plan or long-term strategy.
  3. Ignoring User Experience: Neglecting to prioritize a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  4. Underestimating Marketing: Failing to invest enough in effective marketing and customer acquisition.
  5. Ignoring Analytics: Not using data and analytics to make informed decisions and optimize performance.
To avoid these errors, focus on:
  • Conducting comprehensive market research.
  • Developing a solid business plan and strategy.
  • Prioritizing UX design and user feedback.
  • Allocating sufficient resources to marketing efforts.
  • Regularly analyzing data to adjust strategies and improve results.

What are the common myths about starting and growing a digital business that must be debunked? What’s the truth?

Common Myths About Starting and Growing a Digital Business:

  1. Myth: It’s easy and quick to become successful overnight in the digital world.
  • Truth: Building a successful digital business takes time, effort, and persistence. Overnight success is rare and typically results from years of hard work and strategic growth.
  1. Myth: You need a groundbreaking idea to succeed.
  • Truth: While innovation can be valuable, many successful digital businesses thrive by improving existing ideas or solving common problems better than competitors.
  1. Myth: Online businesses require minimal investment.
  • Truth: Successful digital businesses often require significant initial investment in technology, marketing, and talent to build a robust foundation for growth.
  1. Myth: Digital businesses can run on autopilot once set up.
  • Truth: Continuous adaptation and improvement are necessary. Markets evolve, technology changes, and customer preferences shift, requiring ongoing attention and adaptation.
  1. Myth: You need a large social media following to succeed.
  • Truth: While social media can be a valuable tool, success depends more on targeted marketing, customer engagement, and delivering value than on follower count alone.
  1. Myth: Success is guaranteed if you have a great product or service.
  • Truth: A great product or service is crucial but not sufficient on its own. Success also depends on effective marketing, customer service, competitive pricing, and strategic execution.
  1. Myth: Digital businesses don’t need offline networking or relationships.
  • Truth: Building offline relationships and networking can be crucial for partnerships, industry insights, and credibility, complementing online efforts.

How can our readers follow your work?

Website: www.glemad.com

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/davididris

X: @king_davididris

IG: @king_davididris

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July 19, 2024
David Idris is such a vast and excellent young man. I wish he get more coverage.
July 19, 2024
Victor James
July 17, 2024
Very interesting This is the Best website to rest your business on. David idris have done a Good job and you most be recommended
Victor James
July 17, 2024
Mihail - WSP Team
July 17, 2024
Thank you for your kind words and for the recommendation! It's great to hear such positive feedback about the website and David Idris's work. We strive to continue providing valuable support for your business needs!
Mihail - WSP Team
July 17, 2024
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