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Darey.io CEO Dare Olufunmilayo on The Formula To Solve The Tech Skills Gap

Darey.io CEO Dare Olufunmilayo on The Formula To Solve The Tech Skills Gap

Roberto Popolizio Written by:
In this interview series by Website Planet, I invite the top minds in SaaS, AI, cybersecurity and martech to share actionable tips from their direct experience and stories to help you build and grow your website.

My guest today is Dare Olufunmilayo, CEO and co-founder of DAREY.IO, a future of work startup on a mission to become the #1 Tech Accelerator in the world, addressing the global tech skills gap via an AI powered contextual learning platform.

Totally bootstrapped, Darey is now trusted by 3,500 learners and has been able to help 700+ tech talents land a job in organizations across Europe, United States and some parts of Africa.

Dare has over ten years of experience as a Senior DevOps Engineer, working with various organizations such as the UK Home Office, HM Revenue & Customs, British Gas, Barclays UK, and Sainsbury’s.

Let’s pick his brain.

What problems are you solving for your customers and audience?

Our mission is deeply personal to me. As a migrant from Nigeria to the UK, transitioning from a career in fashion design to tech, I navigated a steep learning curve before successfully launching my career. DAREY.IO was founded to ease this journey for others, creating a solution I wish I had during my days of trying to transition.

At Darey.io, we address several key challenges faced by aspiring tech professionals and the industry as a whole:

1. Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
One of the primary problems we solve is the disconnect between theoretical knowledge and practical, hands-on experience. Many learners possess certifications and book knowledge but struggle to demonstrate their capabilities in real-world scenarios.

2. Overcoming the Experience Paradox
The classic dilemma of needing experience to get a job but needing a job to gain experience is something we tackle head-on. Through our Xterns program, we provide participants with opportunities to work in simulated production environments. This externship program offers real-world collaborative experiences within digital companies, enabling engineers to build their portfolios with tangible project work.

3. Enhancing Employability
We focus on making our learners job-ready. By providing documented, real-world simulations and the chance to work on diverse projects, we ensure that our participants can confidently showcase their skills to potential employers, and be capable of hitting the ground running from Day 1.

4. Creating a Global Talent Pipeline
We aim to solve the global talent problem by preparing a workforce that is not just technically proficient but also experienced in solving real-world problems. Our programs are designed to produce highly skilled professionals who can meet the demands of modern digital companies.

A key aspect of our approach is to massively shorten the experience acquisition timeline, enabling our learners to achieve the equivalent of five years of experience within just 6 to 12 months. This accelerated learning path ensures that our participants quickly become valuable contributors in their respective fields, thereby contributing to a more robust and capable global talent pool.


Which types of companies benefit the most from what you offer?

Our offerings at Darey.io and “Xterns by Darey.io” are particularly beneficial for a variety of companies across several industries.

Tech startups and rapidly growing scale-ups often struggle to quickly find and integrate skilled tech talent. These companies benefit greatly from our ability to accelerate the experience acquisition process. By transforming junior engineers into seasoned professionals within 6 to 12 months, we help these companies build robust tech teams capable of meeting the demands of rapid development cycles and complex project requirements. This not only saves on staffing costs but also ensures that these startups can maintain their growth momentum without being hampered by talent shortages.

Large, established tech enterprises often need to upskill and reskill their existing workforce to keep pace with evolving technologies. Our project-based learning and externship programs are ideal for these companies, as they focus on the exact tech stacks that are critical to their operations. By providing real-world collaborative experience and practical skills, we enable these enterprises to maintain a competitive edge and support their long-term human resourcing strategies. The ability to quickly bring junior staff up to a senior level ensures that these companies can efficiently manage their talent pipeline and avoid the costs and delays associated with external hiring.

Companies in the financial services and fintech sectors operate in highly regulated environments that require precision and up-to-date technical expertise. Our programs help these organizations ensure their teams are proficient in the latest technologies and compliance requirements. The hands-on experience gained through our simulations is particularly valuable in this sector, where the stakes are high, and errors can be costly. By reskilling and upskilling their workforce, these companies achieve better outcomes in terms of security, efficiency, and innovation.

With the increasing integration of digital solutions in healthcare, there is a growing need for skilled professionals who can navigate both the technical and regulatory complexities of healthcare software. Our programs provide the necessary real-world experience and technical skills, enabling these companies to develop and deploy innovative healthcare solutions more effectively. By bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, we help healthcare technology companies improve patient outcomes and operational efficiencies.

What makes them eventually choose you over your competitors?

Our customers choose Darey.io over our competitors for several compelling reasons, underscored by strong testimonials and measurable outcomes.

One of the key factors is the trust and belief in our mission. Darren Thomas, the CEO of Aker Systems, exemplified this when he signed a £25k check even before we developed our AI-powered platform. His confidence in our vision and approach speaks volumes about our credibility and the value we offer. Such early support has been instrumental in shaping our offerings and validating our approach in the market.

Our customers consistently highlight the effectiveness of our project-based learning and real-world simulations. On Trustpilot, we have an impressive rating of 4.8 stars, with numerous testimonials praising how our programs have significantly impacted their careers. Many users who switched to us after trying competitors mention that our hands-on, immersive learning experiences were far superior. They appreciate that we focus on practical skills and real-world applications, which has enabled them to transition smoothly into demanding tech roles.

Users often share stories of how our programs have transformed their professional lives. For instance, many have reported landing high-paying jobs and rapid career advancements after completing our courses. One user mentioned, “After completing Darey.io’s program, I landed a job as a DevOps Engineer within three months. The real-world projects and collaborative environment gave me the confidence and skills I needed to excel.” These measurable results—such as faster job placements and enhanced job performance—are what set us apart from competitors.

Our supportive community and comprehensive mentorship is another significant differentiator. Our learners benefit from a robust network of peers and mentors, accessible through our Slack channels and daily standup sessions. This community aspect not only helps them overcome challenges but also fosters a sense of belonging and continuous learning. As one of our learners put it, “The community and mentorship at Darey.io are unparalleled. I felt supported every step of the way, which made a huge difference in my learning journey.”

When our users recommend us to others, they often highlight the transformative impact of our hands-on projects and the accelerated learning curve that prepares them for real-world challenges. They emphasize how our approach shortens the experience acquisition timeline, making them job-ready in a fraction of the time it would typically take.

Since you started, what helped you grow and retain your audience?

Growing and retaining our audience at Darey.io has been a journey of continuous learning, experimentation, and relentless focus on our customers. Bootstrapping a company is no easy feat, and sustaining it for over three years is an achievement I am personally very proud of. Our growth can be attributed to several key strategies and a strong commitment to customer-centricity.

One of the primary factors that have driven our growth is our unwavering focus on the customer rather than the product itself. While our product is continually evolving and our roadmap is extensive, our priority has always been on understanding and meeting the needs of our learners. This customer-first approach has allowed us to build a loyal community that trusts us and feels supported throughout their learning journey. We heavily use Slack to keep our community close-knit and provide 24/7 support, ensuring that our learners always have access to the help they need.

Investing in building a strong community and enhancing customer experience has been a cornerstone of our strategy. We believe that learning is not just about content but also about the environment and support system surrounding it. Our community of learners and mentors creates a collaborative and encouraging atmosphere, which is crucial for retaining engagement and fostering long-term loyalty. We continuously reinvest in customer experience, ensuring that every interaction adds value and strengthens our relationship with our users.

Our approach to customer acquisition has been consultative and personalized, often described as “the old and trusted way.” We engage in outbound sales and targeted LinkedIn outreach, which allows us to build meaningful connections with potential customers. Additionally, we use a bit of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Meta (formerly Facebook) to attract new users. This focused approach ensures that our marketing efforts are efficient and effective. We have deliberately not touched SEO, LinkedIn advertising, Google ads, or PR extensively, choosing instead to master our current channels and maintain a high level of personalized engagement with our audience.

Throughout our journey, we have tried many tactics and failed multiple times. Even our business models and pricing has changed several times. These failures have been invaluable learning experiences, helping us refine our strategies and focus on what truly works. For instance, earlier attempts at broader digital marketing strategies did not yield the desired results, and made us spend way more than our threshold. Prompting us to pivot towards more direct and personalized methods.

By staying agile and responsive to feedback, we have been able to adapt and improve continuously. When it comes to Retention and re-engagement, we achieve consistent value delivery and active community management. Our commitment to providing exceptional support and continuously improving our programs ensures that our learners remain engaged and satisfied. We also offer ongoing opportunities for alumni to participate in advanced projects and mentorship roles, keeping them connected to the Darey.io ecosystem and encouraging them to advocate for our brand.

What tools are you using to run your business and daily activities?

Slack is a cornerstone of our tech stack, facilitating real-time communication and community engagement, which is critical for providing 24/7 support to our learners.

We initially started with WordPress and various plugins to manage our content, but as our needs grew, it became clear that this setup wasn’t scalable. Consequently, we developed our own proprietary learning management system (LMS) based on JavaScript, incorporating AI models to enhance the learning experience. This transition has allowed us to offer a more robust and scalable solution tailored to our unique requirements.

Our library of documented projects was originally hosted on ReadTheDocs, but we have since migrated to GitLab, which offers better integration with our development workflows and provides a more seamless experience for our users. In terms of CRM, we’ve experimented with several solutions, including Active Campaign, Freshworks, and HubSpot. Currently, we use a CRM solution by Go High Level.

What perspective do you have about where your industry is headed?

In my research paper, “Is A.I the Grim Reaper of Jobs or the Harbinger of Rapid Career Advancement in the Future of Work,” I explore how AI is reshaping the landscape and the critical need for organizations to adapt. I encourage readers to check out this paper for a comprehensive understanding of the upcoming shifts.

One of the most profound changes we are witnessing is the accelerated timeline for becoming a senior engineer. Traditionally, reaching a mid-senior level in software engineering required around five years of experience. However, in the AI era, leveraging solutions from providers like Darey.io, companies need to rethink this timeline. Engineers with just 1-2 years of intensive, real-world, project-based learning can now achieve competencies that previously took much longer to develop. This shift is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage and ensuring that teams are equipped with highly skilled professionals who can drive innovation.

A significant misunderstanding in the industry is the overemphasis on certifications. Many still equate a multitude of certifications with expertise. However, there is a critical difference between “book knowledge” and “production expertise.” While certifications can demonstrate a baseline of knowledge, they do not necessarily translate to the ability to solve real-world problems. At Darey.io, we focus on bridging this gap by providing hands-on, practical experience that equips learners with the skills needed to excel in actual job environments.

The challenges ahead include the need for continuous adaptation to AI advancements and the reevaluation of traditional training and hiring practices. Opportunities lie in the potential to rapidly upskill a global workforce, reducing the barriers to entry for high-demand tech roles. Data from various industry reports indicate that AI can augment human capabilities, leading to increased productivity and innovation. By adopting new learning paradigms and focusing on practical experience, companies can better prepare for the future.

Alternative industry paths might include a greater emphasis on hybrid learning models that combine AI-driven training with traditional mentoring and apprenticeship programs. This approach can provide a balanced pathway to skill acquisition, ensuring that engineers are well-rounded and versatile. Industry experts who embrace these insights will likely advocate for a more holistic approach to professional development, one that values real-world problem-solving skills as much as theoretical knowledge.

What’s in the roadmap for your future?

Looking ahead, Darey.io has an ambitious roadmap designed to harness the power of AI and expand our reach globally, particularly into regions rich with untapped talent such as Africa and South America. By focusing on AI, we aim to drive the foundational technologies that power our learning management system (LMS), enhancing personalization, efficiency, and scalability of our educational offerings.

Our immediate plans include expanding into Africa and South America. These regions are home to a vast pool of untapped talent that, with the right training and opportunities, can significantly contribute to the global tech workforce. By establishing our presence in these areas, we hope to provide access to high-quality tech education and career advancement opportunities, thereby helping to bridge the global talent gap.

We are also keen on creating new verticals within our existing career pathways. In the Cloud space, we plan to focus on specialized areas such as DevSecOps, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), and Platform Engineering. This expansion will include introducing several project use cases centered around specific cloud providers like Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure. By diversifying our offerings, we aim to cater to the evolving needs of the industry and provide our learners with cutting-edge skills that are in high demand.

In addition to our focus on Cloud technologies, we are set to expand into other crucial areas such as Data Science, Business Intelligence, and DataOps. These verticals are essential for leveraging the growing amount of data generated in today’s digital world. Furthermore, we recognize the increasing importance of cybersecurity and plan to introduce comprehensive learning pathways in this domain, along with Project Management and FinOps, to ensure that our learners can secure and manage digital transformations effectively.

We keep a close eye on emerging trends and technologies, particularly advancements in AI and their implications for the tech industry. By integrating AI into our platform, we plan to offer more personalized and adaptive learning experiences. This will not only improve learner engagement but also accelerate skill acquisition, ensuring our learners remain competitive in the fast-evolving tech landscape.

Follow Dare and Darey.io

Website: https://darey.io/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/official.darey.io

X: https://twitter.com/darey_io

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/darey-io

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