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Reinvent The Way You Manage Your Data With Coupler.io

Reinvent The Way You Manage Your Data With Coupler.io

Marko Velimirović Written by:
This week, Website Planet had the opportunity to interview Olexander Paladiy, the Product Owner of Coupler.io. We talked about companies beginnings, what services it offers, and what is in the pipeline for the future.

Please introduce Coupler.io to our audience

Coupler.io is an all-in-one data analytics and automation platform that empowers organizations to use their data to its full potential. Raw data contains immense business value, but most companies can’t extract it. Coupler.io changes that.

According to the latest research, one company typically uses over 100 apps on a daily basis. That is a huge number, and it’s no wonder businesses struggle to manage their dispersed data. Analyzing it and turning it into action points is even more problematic.

Coupler.io enables businesses to address these challenges. We provide organizations with all the tools and services they need for this. Our data integration solution allows them to collect all their data in one place and automatically keep it up to date. In addition to this, with our data analytics services, companies can receive custom instruments and set up processes to make their data actionable.

Please describe the story behind Coupler.io: what sparked the idea, and how has it evolved so far?

The initial idea of a data analytics platform sprung from a mishap. Our accountant issued a bunch of invoices with a mistake, and the total cost of this error was about $170 K. She didn’t fill in one of the fields correctly, and as a result, our clients were billed less than they actually owed. We learned some important things from this incident. First, humans make mistakes. Second, you never really know whether they made a mistake or not. Quite often, nobody even realizes that things have gone wrong until it’s too late. So we decided to automate the billing process and built our first data automation solution.

The initial version of Coupler.io was created for our own needs. The tool started from a set of internal automation scripts to collect data from different places. It helped us automate repetitive processes and decrease the amount of manual work. In particular, this eliminated the risk of human error, which is one of many benefits that come with automation.

Since then, the idea has evolved, and Coupler.io has turned into a comprehensive data analytics platform. Now, it includes a full-fledged data integration solution, as well as data analytics services for more advanced data management. As for the data integration solution, it allows businesses to export data automatically using more than 100 different integrations. The available data sources include Pipedrive and Salesforce, WordPress and Airtable, Google Analytics 4 and HubSpot, and many more. Coupler.io can import this information into a spreadsheet or database and keep refreshing data on a schedule. With this functionality, you can easily build self-updating dashboards or reports. And our data analytics team can help you take it to the next level and create professional data visualizations, automated workflows, or custom integrations.

What services do you offer?

The combination of the data integration solution and data analytics services that we offer allows companies to enable data-driven decision-making. We help them access their data, understand data, and act on it. It’s a path from gathering data to analyzing and visualizing it, and to turning it into action points.

Basically, we can help businesses solve virtually any data-related problems. This can include:
  • exporting and blending data from numerous applications
  • collecting data in spreadsheets or data warehouses and refreshing it
  • automating various workflows
  • setting up data infrastructure
  • providing business analytics services
  • creating advanced data visualizations
We help manage data efficiently, streamline processes, and find a specific solution for our client’s business case.

We give decision-makers full transparency and clarity. While crucial data is scattered among multiple data sources, it’s impossible to see the complete picture. Because of this, C-level executives often don’t have a clear insight into what exactly is happening. They need to request this information from different departments, combine it in one place, analyze, and then gain this visibility. However, things move fast, and this data quickly becomes outdated. As a result – there’s no clarity again until you request to collect this information next time.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Coupler.io ensures full transparency and instant access to fresh data 24/7, with no manual effort. We set up this process once, and then it keeps working without any interference. This transparency gives leaders and their teams answers to important questions and provides a deeper understanding and a basis for informed decisions. This is what lies at the core of our services.

What is the mission of Coupler.io?

Our mission is to take the complexity and guesswork out of data to help businesses get the answers to their questions more easily. We automate complex flows and processes, and they become simple. We want to democratize the data-driven approach and make it accessible to more people and businesses.

What separates you from other similar companies?

We give our users and clients full transparency and control over the processes we automate. There are many tools that offer separate bits and pieces of what we have, but we provide a comprehensive solution. Coupler.io is a one-stop shop.

The platform includes everything a business needs to efficiently manage its data – from the data integration solution to data analytics services.

Other advantages we have are a simple UI and great customer support. You don’t need to have any technical background or be a data analyst to use our solutions. They are designed for business users, and if you have a question or non-standard case, our support team will quickly help you with that.

We keep improving our data analytics and automation platform based on the insights we obtain from our consultancy services. We analyze real business cases and challenges facing companies, and this knowledge drives us forward and helps us keep our solution relevant and valuable for our clients.

How do you envision the future of your industry?

As more and more companies undergo digital transformation, the role of data will keep growing. Organizations will use even more applications that accumulate data, and the amount of data itself will keep increasing as well. Data will be stored in super-fast and nearly limitless storages, and efficient data management will be even more important than it already is. Our task will be to help businesses streamline these processes – automate data flows, connect multiple sources into one space, and make the latest data easily accessible.

Data visualization will be a significant part of the industry landscape. Companies will create dashboards to closely monitor various processes and projects, and then gather this information in one central dashboard. It will work as an airplane control panel – with lots of gauge charts, metrics, and graphs. And it will provide all the necessary information for making data-driven decisions. Much of this is already happening, and we can already do it today. But tomorrow, it will be at a greater scale, at a higher level, and with even more impressive functionality. We are getting ready for this exciting future, and we invite everyone to join us on this journey.

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