Sarah is an experienced content writer and digital marketer. She is a well-versed online strategist and produces quality content to help others improve their website. Her expertise covers site development, social media promotion, SEO and content creation.

Published with Website Planet

Blog Posts

What Exactly Is a Logo Design Contest?

It takes less than ten seconds for consumers to form an impression of your logo. This opinion could be the deciding factor to whether or not they connect with your brand. The importance of a high-quality logo is not up for debate, but the way to achieve this goal does require some consideration. Logo design contests offer a fresh new channel for businesses. Instead of...

First published: August 15, 2018
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Logo Rebranding: The Evolution of the Nike Logo

If you hear the name “Blue Ribbon Sports,” it’s unlikely to conjure any recognition. In 1964, the company operated out of the trunk of a car, selling Onitsuka Tiger shoes from Japan to track athletes. Today, it’s one of the most recognizable brands in the world, albeit under a different name. By 1971, Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman, owner’s of Blue Ribbon Sports, decided to...

First published: December 19, 2018
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How to Incorporate Holiday Cheer in Your Logo

Branding has increased in complexity over time. The advent of the internet has allowed companies to stay in tune with their customers so they can stay relevant all year round. One of the easiest ways to stay ahead of the game is with seasonal branding. During the holiday months, most consumers are overwhelmed with Christmas and all it entails. If you fail to adorn that...

First published: December 14, 2018
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Logo Design Contest vs Graphic Designer: Which is Better?

You’ve just set up a business, you’re ready to launch, but you still need a logo. Ideally, you don’t want to spend a fortune, but guaranteeing high-quality designs can be tricky on a low budget. Now, a decision must be made: either hire a designer, or opt for a cheaper method. Logo design contests are a new crowdsourcing method, where you host an online competition for...

First published: September 13, 2018
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Beginner’s Guide to Wordmark Logo Design

Mention Coca-Cola or Disney and what do you see? The words, written in their own unique font, right? This simple example shows the power of wordmark logos in just a few seconds — they’re memorable and impactful. Wordmark logos are brand emblems made solely from the name of the company. By applying design elements to the lettering and style, what once was just a word becomes...

First published: September 05, 2018
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How to Create Your Own Logo that Doesn’t Suck

Most people can recognize logos from the age of 2-3 years, so as a branding technique they’re among the most powerful tools. They communicate your company’s message, target specific demographics, and provide uniformity throughout your branding. Such consistency is critical for success; it can increase revenue by 23%, and provide 3-4 times more visibility than inconsistent...

First published: July 31, 2018
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Over 96% of Government Websites Hide Disabled Men and Women on Their Site

TLDR: Disabled people are almost non-existent on government and stock-photos websites, and when they are represented, they are not represented as whole individuals, but are only showed for their disability. We crawled the internet and looked at more than 500 government websites from around the globe and what we found was shocking! While around 50% do show physically...

First published: July 04, 2018
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