I am a security researcher and bug bounty hunter. I am a highly motivated individual with a strong passion for Web Application Security and Applied Security Research. As a Security Enthusiast I have 5 years of experience in Security Research including 4 years of Web Application Security Research. I specialize in offensive web-application, server security research and white-box (code-audit) analysis. Occasionally I do bug bounties, and target popular applications and open-source projects for bugs. I am on the constant look out for 0-days in the applications I audit.
Published with Website Planet
Blog Posts
Report: We Tested 5 Popular Web Hosting Companies & All Were Easily Hacked
This report was first published January 2019 The goal of this research was to try and see if websites hosted on Bluehost, Dreamhost, HostGator, OVHcloud, or iPage could be compromised with one click client-side vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, we found at least one client-side vulnerability in all the platforms we tested, allowing account takeover when the victim clicks a...
First published: 14 January 2019