Andrijana Trajanovska is a business professional by day and a freelance writer by night. She combines her love for writing with more than a decade-long international work experience within HR, Recruitment, Sales, Project Management, and Business Operations. Andrijana studied Marketing Communication and Expressive Arts, has a Master of Management and has been teaching writing-related papers for few semesters – all at Massey University in New Zealand.

Published with Website Planet

Blog Posts

4 Reasons Why Your Logo Color Is So Important 2025

Color matters! This is a fact in most societies, and even as kids we were taught that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Marketing research shows that the use of visual cues is critical, as they strongly influence both how customers think and how they feel — so much so that a certain color can ultimately influence whether or not someone makes a purchase.   Sure,...

First published: August 28, 2018
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How to Integrate Social Media into Your Website

Having your website and social media accounts set up is just the beginning; you need to make sure that these different platforms are effectively integrated with one another so that customers are able to interact and engage with your brand regardless of time, place, and purpose. The process of cross-promoting your social media accounts on your website so these communication...

First published: August 20, 2018
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In 2025, More Freelancers Spend Money on Job Training

When your income depends largely on gigs that require a specific skill set, then you want those skills to be top-notch and constantly improving. This is a hard reality for freelancers if they want to remain competitive, regardless of whether they use websites to find jobs online (Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, and Fiverr are the big ones) or depend on a job placement...

First published: July 30, 2018
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